アートコンプレックス・センターArtcomplex Center of Tokyo
The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo is a gallery complex opened in a quiet neighborhood of Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo in July 2007. The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo seeks to elevate the role of art in contemporary cultureアートコンプレックス・センターは、2007年7月に新宿・大京町の閑静な住宅地にオープンしたアートの複合施設。アートの新たな発信基地となることを目指し、展覧会の他、多彩なワークショップや公募展を企画し、アーティスト活動の積極的なサポートを行い、「アート・コミュニティ」の創造と発展を提案している。
Text: Mariko Takei through its active support of artists and cutting-edge approach to the art community by holding various workshops and art programs in addition to providing the opportunity to exhibit works.
The center is designed under the concept of ‘gallery complex’. There are 5 independent gallery spaces on the second floor. In addition, there is a cafe on the ground floor and an art hall with about 330-square-meter space on the basement. In the hall and gallery spaces, there are various events taking place such as artist-organized exhibitions, curatorial exhibitions and various design-related events.
It also offers a Noh workshop and some art classes such as calligraphy, oil painting, and shadow boxes, calling for participants as needed. At the online shop, they feature artworks and goods that are “purchasable” as well as some imported items from Czech and Northern Europe.
At the cafe, you can enjoy homemade cakes, sandwiches, and quiche at either counter seat or the terrace. As a pet cafe, you can visit this cafe with your pet. As this center is located near Shinjuku Gyoen, it might be nice option to visit this place to take a rest.
The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo
Address: 12-9 Daikyo-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 11:00-20:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: 03-3341-3253
Text: Mariko Takei