© Rikka Azabudai
Rikka Azabudai opened in June 2021 inside Atlantic Cars Limited. Both Rikka Omotesando and Azabudai will feature exhibitions of unique Japanese and Asian artists, as well as contemporary artists from overseas who have yet to be seen in Japan.(株)アトランティックカーズ内に2021年6月にオープンした、Rikka Gallery 麻布台。Rikka Gallery 表参道ともに、個性溢れる日本・アジアのアーティストや、日本ではまだ目にする機会がない海外のコンテンポラリーアーティストを中心とした展示を開催していく。
© Kurumi Chaya
Kurumi Chaya is a Hidden restaurant where you can enjoy a new style of Chinese cuisine with your loved ones casually. It is located in a quiet residential area, on the next street of Nakameguro-Yamate Street. It is easy to imagine the plenty of dishes on a platter when it comes to Chinese food, but here they offer elegant and delicate dishes in French style (Nouvelle Cuisine).中目黒・山手通りから一本、閑静な住宅街に入ったところにある胡桃茶家(クルミチャヤ)は、肩肘張らずに大切な方とゆっくりと新しいスタイルの中華料理を楽しめる隠れ家的レストラン。中華というと大皿にたっぷりの料理が乗せられてくるイメージを想像しがちだが、ここでは上品で繊細に盛り付けられた料理をフレンチスタイル(ヌーベルキュイジーヌ)で提供している。
Nakameguro is a beautiful area in Tokyo and one of the most popular locations during the cherry Blossom Festival season due to its location along the Meguro River. It is a cool area, very residential – along the river it gets some kind of Amsterdam vibe due to the canal between the sidewalks. There are very nice stores, boutiques, cafes and restaurants. Yet in the area but slightly off from Nakameguro’s heart you find Waltz – you need to walk barely ten minutes from the station to get there but the stroll will pay off – arguably the most interesting music store in Tokyo dedicated to analog music only, with a focus on cassettes and records.東京・中目黒は都内でも特に人気のエリア。春には目黒川沿いの桜も有名だ。住宅街には運河もあることから、まるでアムステルダムのような雰囲気も感じ取れ、魅力的なお店やカフェ、レストランも勢揃いしている。中目黒駅から約徒歩10分のところに、個性的で面白いカセットテープとレコード専門店、「ワルツ」がある。
© Whitestone Ginza New Gallery
Whitestone Gallery, opened in 1967, is located in Sukiyabashi street, Ginza – a traditional area which conjures up the image of the Edo period. Since opening, it has showcased many masterpieces of modern and contemporary art, and has been well-recognised internationally. The Whitestone gallery also has branches in Karuizawa, Hong Kong, and Taipei. The gallery’s artwork also often make appearances in art fairs and galleries outside Japan.江戸の記憶を今に伝える、由緒ある銀座・数寄屋橋通り。高度成長期から銀座の発展と歩みを共にしてきた瀟洒なビルディングのスペースを改修し、創業50周年を迎えた老舗アート・ギャラリーが、銀座では2店舗目となる新たなスペースを2017年に開廊した。
In Shinjuku, Tokyo, a rather extraordinary building has appeared. Located not a great distance from Waseda and Ushigome Yanagicho stations, on a street full of the rather typical buildings you can see in any part of this great city, stands one building which shouts out that it is something more than typical. Where most buildings look quite ‘busy’ with various windows, balconies and other exterior cladding, this building presents sheer white walls and large continuous windows. Its simplicity is understated, yet all the more interesting for being so. In an area famous for its hustle and bustle this one building presents an exterior which represents the opposite. When you discover this building then you have indeed found the Yayoi Kusama Museum東京の新宿に、一見変わった建物が現れた。早稲田駅と牛込柳町駅にほど近い日本的な建物が密集するこの地域に、真っ白な壁と大きな窓というシンプルな作りの建物は却って人の目を引き、興味をそそられる。これが2017年10月にオープンした草間彌生美術館だ。
© Puppet Theatre PUK
“Puppet Theatre PUK” known for artistic puppet performances done for audiences of all ages was initially established as “Puppet Club” in 1929. Aside from Japanese traditional puppet performance such as Bunraku (the oldest group for Japanese puppet show). 子どもから大人まで楽しめる芸術性の高い人形劇の公演を行う「人形劇団プーク」は、1929年に「人形クラブ」として設立され、文楽などの伝統人形劇を除けば、日本最古の人形劇団となる。
“YUKA TSURUNO GALLERY” is active at the primary market directed by Yuka Tsuruno, was opened in 2009. Regardless of genres such as paintings, sculptures, images, photographs, etc, the gallery showcases the work of prominent international artists with its keen attention to concept, context, and quality in various media include painting, sculpture, video, photography, and installation. It includes Candida Hofer and Jose Parla, in addition to the emerging artists in Japan.ディレクターの鶴野ゆかが2009年にオープンさせた、プライマリー・マーケットで活動するギャラリー「ユカ・ツルノ・ギャラリー」。絵画、彫刻、映像、写真などジャンルを問わずコンセプト、コンテクスト、クオリティーを重視し、独自の表現に挑戦し続けるアーティストを紹介。若手中心の国内作家に加え、ホセ・パルラやカンディダ・ヘーファーなど海外の注目作家の展覧会も開催している。
The gallery “URANO” plans on exhibitions and projects which focus on domestic and foreign artists who are leading the next generation, while clearly reflects contemporaneity. The gallery “ARATANIURANO” at Minato-ku Shirokane was renamed as “URANO” when it moved and reopened in September 2016.同時代性を色濃く反映、次世代を牽引するような国内外のアーティストに着目し、展覧会やプロジェクトなどを企画しているギャラリー「URANO」。港区白金のギャラリー「ARATANIURANO」が移転に伴い「URANO」と名称変更し、東京・天王洲のテラダ アート コンプレックス内に2016年9月にオープンした。