アンビエンス・ホテルAmbience Hotel

© Ambience Hotel
Talented Taiwanese architect Wei Ming Lee and designer Ted Su have designed the Ambience Hotel in 2006. The hotel is based around the color white and is the first contemporaryアンビエンス・ホテルは才能ある台湾の建築家・李瑋珉(リー・ウェイミン)と室内デザイナー・蘇誠修(スー・ツェンショウ)によって2006年に設計された。白を基調としたホテルで、台湾では初めて作られた、モダンで、オフビートなブティックホテルだ。
2012年には顧客満足、価格設定から業界をリードする優れたホテルが選ばれる、AGODA ゴールドサークルアワード賞に選ばれている。ロビーに入ると、優雅でシックな室内装飾や雰囲気にまず驚くだろう。
Ambience Hotel
TEL:+886 2 2541 0077
Text: Tomomi Sakuma, offbeat boutique hotel in Taiwan.
Ambience Hotel is the recipient of the worldwide AGODA 2012 Gold Circle Awards. The hotel was chosen to receive this special recognition in customer satisfaction and value-for-money. At first, you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality, decor and atmosphere of the lobby. It is elegant and chic.
The rooms are brightly and uniquely decorated with comfy beds and well-designed modern bathrooms. They even serve a really good breakfast, which offers something for the Chinese as well as the European taste.
Location is also convenient; only a 10-minute taxi ride to various important areas of Taipei, and you can take a stroll around Huashan 1914 Creative Park close by. This creative park hosts innovative and artistic creations, emerging shows, fusion restaurants, and a beautiful teahouse.
Ambience Hotel
Address: No.64, Section 1, Chang’an E. Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei
Tel:+886 2 2541 0077
Rooms: 61
Text: Tomomi Sakuma