WラウンジバーW Lounge Bar

© FiFi W Lounge Bar
This three-story complex is a beautiful and unique building that attracts many people. It was created by a fashion designer named Isabelle Wen in Taiwan. On the ground floor美しい外観で一目をひく建物の3階に「Wラウンジバー」がある。このビルは台湾のファッションデザイナー、イザベル・ウェン(温慶珠)が手がけたビルで、1階には彼女の洋服を取扱うショップ「FiFiマーケット」、2階は「常玉廰」(チャンユーティン)という中華料理のレストラン、3階がこの「Wラウンジバー」になっている。
W Lounge Bar
TEL:+886 2 2779 0528
Text: Tomomi Sakuma, there is a boutique called “FiFi’s Market” where accessories and clothes designed by Wen are sold. On the second floor, there is a restaurant “FiFi Sanyu” that sells contemporary Chinese cuisine and finally there is a this bar on the third floor.
Although the area surrounding Ren–ai street used to be a business district, new fashion shops are now being built after the beautiful three-story complex has come to town. W Bar was established by a local fashion designer, so it is bar with a high sense of style, featuring antique couches and retro furniture.
This bar is favored by with-it young people, celebrities, and tourists. They stop by the bar and enjoy a drink. The bar also serves some Chinese cuisines from the restaurant on the second floor. It is a great opportunity for you to taste traditional Chinese food at the bar.
The candles on the table relax you and help you to relieve the day’s fatigue.You can also look at the Taipei 101 building and the roadside trees at the terrace on Ren-ai street. You should check this place out. You will enjoy your time here with the totally different atmosphere it provides.
Why don’t you go outside and get some fresh air at the bar?
FiFi W Lounge Bar
Address: 3F, No.15, Section 4, Ren-ai Road, Da’an District, Taipei
Opening Hours: 19:00-02:00 (Friday and Saturday till 03:00)
Tel: +886 2 2779 0528
Text: Tomomi Sakuma