
ハイパー・アイランドHyper Island

ヨーロッパそして世界中のウェブデザイン界で注目されているのが、ハイパー・アイランド。それもそのはず、ハイパー・アイランドの卒業生の多くは、在学中、卒業後に関わらず、世界でもトップのウェブデザイン会社で、仕事をする機会に恵まれているのである。Hyper Island has been the hype of Europe’s and the world’s web design industry. No wonder, many of the students who graduated from Hyper Island have opportunities to work in many of the leading web design companies all over the world during and after they complete their course.

ハイパー・アイランドの始まりは1995年に、マルチメディアプロデューサーである、デイビッド・エリクソンとラース・ルンダーが、現在「OTHER Media」でクリエイティブ戦略のディレクターであるジョナサン・ブリッグスにプロジェクトを通してであった事がきっかけ。校舎が1860年まで海軍の監獄だったということは有名な話で、その敷地は世界遺産に登録されている。



共同設立者であるジョナサン・ブリックの「OTHER Media」での記事によると、このような教育方法は、イタリアのファブリカや、コペンハーゲンのスペース・インベーダーズのようなヨーロッパの他の機関の経験を基に計画されたそうだ。



Hyper Island
住所:Bastionsgatan 14, S-371 32 Karlskrona, Sweden
Tel:+46 455 30 7777
住所:Dialoggatan 16, plan 4. 126 37 Hägersten, Sweden
Tel:+46 (0)8 744 3050

Text: Kyoko Tachibana

The school has only been around since 1995 when multimedia producers David Erixon and Lars Lundh met during a project together with Jonathan Briggs, now the Strategy Director at the OTHER Media. The famous story is that the building of the school is a renovated naval prison, which was active until 1860, and is located on a world heritage site.

Not only the physical feature of the school is distinctive, but the structure of Hyper Island as a higher educational institution is somewhat unique. First of all, there is no computer equipped in the school; the students have to bring their own computers to work on their projects. Second, almost 40% of the course work is based on work placements. Having taken the entrance exam of high level, students proceed the practical course work projects and 2 stages of the actual working experience and they eventually get their way through to the industry.

The learning process is based on organising projects independently in teams often with multidisciplinary approach. Students are required to proceed the projects themselves, lectures are not carried out in the conventional way of giving lectures, but they are there to give professional advice as if they are in the actual working environment.

This style of teaching method was designed based on the experiences of other European institution such as FABRICA in Italy and Space Invaders in Copenhagen, according to the co-founder of the school, Jonathan Briggs’ article in the OTHER Media website.

The Hyper Island’s next mission is to accept more students from abroad. They offer some courses in English for non-Swedish citizens, also there have already been requests to hold courses in countries such as USA and UK. There are also intensive courses available in Karlskrona and Stockholm, and they are also currently preparing a special course for some Japanese participants.

The Hyper Island perhaps shows a lot of potential not just in the digital media education, but also higher education in general, as a challenging and effective learning environment.

Hyper Island
Karlskrona Site
Address: Bastionsgatan 14, S-371 32 Karlskrona, Sweden
Tel: +46 455 30 7777
Stockholm Site
Address: Dialoggatan 16, plan 4. 126 37 Hägersten, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)8 744 3050

Text: Kyoko Tachibana

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