ユニフォームズ・フォー・ザ・デディケイティドUniforms for the Dedicated

© Uniforms for the Dedicated
They are plenty of talent, energy and an ambition that follows, and as their name claims, with a committed work. Every single collection becomes a universe where different platforms in art, design, multimedia and musicユニフォームズ・フォー・ザ・デディケイティド(以下ユニフォームズ)は、その名のとおり、エネルギー、才能ともにあふれる志高いブランドだ。毎回コレクションではアート、デザイン、マルチメディア、音楽が見事に共存した世界を見せてくれる、まさにクリエイティブな若き大物集団だ。彼らは2年前に名誉ある新人賞を獲得し、スウェーデン・ファッション・カウンシルによる「2008年注目ブランド」に選ばれた。今日では世界中にその存在を知らしめている。
彼らの活動拠点はストックホルムとヨーテボリ。創作活動を行う際、基準や制限は設けない。次回の2010-2011年秋冬コレクション「マーチ・オブ・ノー・コインシデンス」(March of No Coincidence)に伴い、「人生での自分の道の見つけ方」を探るシリーズ化したボードゲームを制作。また、2010年春夏コレクション「1020 トリッカリー・レーン」(1020 Trickery Lane)では、彼らの溢れ出るクリエイティビティを表現するためにインスタレーションの場となるバーを取り壊すこともあった。さらに彼らは、活躍が期待されるスウェーデンの新人アーティストのビデオクリップ配信も行っており、前回の秋冬キャンペーンではRam Di Damとの作品「ア・プレイ・オブ・ナンセンス」が使われた。
実際、いくつかのスウェーデンのIT企業は彼らに対して、より本質的な戦略を考える上での意見を求めている。北欧の一流デパート「NK」や、ロサンゼルにある「No.A」、 ロンドン並びにコペンハーゲンの「アーバン・アウトフィッターズ」、コペンハーゲンとベルリンのウッドウッド、アムステルダムにあるコンクリートや東京のイヌイメゾンは、ユニフォームズを扱っているほんの一例だ。
ストックホルム近代美術館、ラース・ボーマン美術館、アンジェリカ・クナッパー・ギャラリー、クリーラップ・ギャラリー、アワー・レガシー・ストア、 ニッティ・グリッティ、フォーム・アス・ウィズ・ラブ、アクネ、コレクティヴェット・リヴェット、リッチー、マリー・ラヴュー。
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Saori Hashiguchi co-live together in a great whole. Uniforms for the Dedicated is a creative collective of young guns. Winners of the prestigious Rookies Award in Sweden barely a couple of years ago (“Upcoming brand of the year 2008” by the Swedish Fashion Council), today they presents a established creative profile with a worldwide distribution.
The collective is based between both cities of Stockholm and Gothenburg. They don´t find boundaries and limits when is it the time to create. Able to produce, as a collateral result of their next autumn-winter collection 2010-2011 March of No Coincidence, a board-game in series about how to find your path in life. Breaking a bar just to express their creative flow in form of an installation (1020 Trickery Lane – Spring/Summer 2010). They also have broadcasted videoclips for some up & coming Swedish artist, for instance A play of Nonsense with Ram Di Dam was part of their last Fall-Winter campaign.
In fact, some big Swedish IT companies has turned to ask for their opinion and their contribution with further internal strategies. Most prestigious Scandinavian Department store NK, No. A in Los Angeles, Urban Outfitters London and Copenhagen, Wood Wood in Copenhagen and Berlin, Concrete in Amsterdam or Inoui Maison in Tokyo are a few good examples where you will find the brand.
How did the collective start?
Uniforms for the Dedicated serves as a platform for musicians, illustrators, artists and designers who are continuously invited to contribute with their innovations. Uniforms first took form in 2001 as a traveling snowboard collective. Today, the label has evolved into a co-creative design & music network, expanding with each new project. Main focus being our men´s fashion line, music, film and art direction, recently also doing consultancy work in the fields of design and strategic communication.
The first collection saw the light of day August 2008.
Who is currently involved with UNIFORMS?
Four core members work full time and these are the people who were behind the shaping of the concept and starting up the company/collective. 2 full time staff also occupy themselves in our office, all and all I would say somewhat 12-15 people are in some way involved in music, fashion, film or arts, stepping in and out of the collective.
How does it work as an artistic collective with the interaction between different platforms?
We live by two almost opposite perspectives when starting a new process; Either we release a “package”, for instance this spring we released a fashion collection called 1020 Trickery Lane, produced an art installation at Restaurant Riche, also producing a music single under same name and producing a music video that ties in to the clothing as well as the concept in which the design process started. This leading to a strong communication platform; clothing, imagery, film, music and art under one name, one outlook and one meaning; A playful state of mind fosters creativity.
Or as long as a project is interesting and strong enough it can create a life of it´s own not needing to be a part of above package. Whatever concept or work method the bottom line is that Uniforms for the Dedicated is a tool for the artists involved, getting to create freely will generate best possible result, trust the creative work force!
Do you think the government and other institutions in Sweden can really help for the development of the fashion industry?
I´m not sure there is need specifically in the fashion industry, new designers pop up constantly. What is needed is a stronger over all support of the entrepreneurial force in Sweden. It´s a rough climate for anyone trying to start their own business. It´s getting better but there´s a long walk before the government full on walk the walk instead of talking the talk.
Now is to your opinion the current situation and the perception about Scandinavian fashion from abroad?
I think that “the Swedish design wonder” is bigger in Sweden than anywhere else, somewhat of a media hype. Brandbuilding, design, creative expression and so on is not in any way geographically bound, it´s full on individual. Not saying that the environment doesn´t have an effect but it´s just a bit too simplifying judging a brand based on it´s home turf. Something that you still experience when abroad.
Which Scandinavian brands are interesting for you for any reason?
Brands that have a unique approach, Acne of course, Henrik Vibskov, Our Legacy. I would say Tres Bien Shop as a retailer has a strong identity, hence keeping it interesting.
Please drop a few names about interesting spots in Stockholm.
Moderna Museet, Lars Bohman Gallery, Angelika Knäpper Gallery, Jonas Kleerup Gallery, Our Legacy store, Nitty Gritty, Form Us With Love showroom, Acne, Kollektivet Livet, Restaurant Riche and Lilla Baren, Fukt, if they happend to host their undercover club when you´re around Marie Laveau.
Text: Victor Moreno