クリスチャン・ライナイ&カッレ・トールマーKristian Rajnai & Kalle Tollmar

Kristian Rajnai and Kalle Tollmar
‘+46‘, besides being the international telephone code for Sweden, has been a multi-functional platform activist in Stockholm for fashion since 2007「+46」は2007年以来、ストックホルムのファッション・シーンを多くの角度から支える基盤として活動を続けてきた(+46はスウェーデンの国際電話用の国番号でもある)。そして、その母体が「オッド・プロジェクト」である。彼らはこれまでとは違うファッションの発信や、PRイベント、そしてファッション・ショーの手法等をつくり出してきた。常に時代を先取りしようとするスカンジナビア・ファッションの栄誉ある「+46 ファッション・アワード」の運営など、スウェーデンの最新ファッションに対する彼らの貢献は非常に大きなものがある。
「+46 ファッション・アワード」について教えてください。
「コレット」はもちろん、パリの「メルシー・メルシー」、 ロンドンの「ドーバー・ストリート・マーケット」、それからミラノにある「ディエチ・コルソ・コモ」は一番のお気に入りです。
レストラン(朝食):Kaffeverket (S:t Eriksgatan 88)
住所:PUB.02, Hötorget, 11171 Stockholm
営業時間:10:00〜19:00 (土曜11:00〜18:00, 日曜11:00〜17:00)
TEL:+46 8 789 1930
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Kazuyuki Yoshimura
. Well, actually the name that embraces all that they do is ‘ODD projects‘ . They have made different fashion publications, PR events, fashion awards, etc. They are a brilliant contribution to the fashion pulse in Sweden who for few years were running a prestigious award within Scandinavian progressive fashion ‘+46 Fashion Award‘.
The concept shifted to develop into a large fashion boutique, ‘Aplace‘ in the former department store ‘PUB‘, an established institution in town which went through a total renovation three years ago. In barely one year, ‘Aplace’ has established itself as a new department in town to boost the up & coming local brands, as well as being unique in other areas too. 350m2 of Scandinavian new blood among other interesting brands from abroad.
They can´t stop undertaking entrepreneurial projects, a magazine, events, parties, awards, and now the store. Kristian and Kalle are the founders of ODD projects. They are 2 well-known entrepreneurs in Sweden. In fact, they have been invited for different lectures and seminars around the globe very often.
From ODD and (+46) to Aplace.
We have always had problems to explain exactly what we do because we are very entrepreneurially driven and have always had a lot of different projects running at the same time. In the beginning we were probably most known for our parties, later on it was our two magazines that defined us most, ODD at large, ODD Magazine, and then it was the fashion shows and trade fair we did under our progressive fashion platform (+46) and at the moment its our store Aplace.
How is your vision for the up & coming local brands and the current support from government, media, etc.?
I think Swedish brands and mostly the people behind the fashion week have to learn from Denmark and start to collaborate with each other more. The last two years we have mostly had two fashion weeks every season, one for the trade fairs and one where most of the shows are taking place. For a small fashion week like Stockholm this is madness! This summer it will be only one fashion week so that’s good, but you never know whether it might be divided again the week after? I would love if the government suddenly would start to question more; what the consequence would be for Stockholm and Sweden in terms of PR and increasing sales for the brands if we would have an even better fashion week.
How do you select the brands that you find in the store?
We do not have one standard procedure how we make our selection.
Our store is very personal in that way. It is more an reflection of our personal surrounding world right now and mirror of the things that we get inspiration from. At the moment we love the handcraft from the fantastic New York based brand Common Project, the playfulness from Swedish Minimarket and the fabrics from Swedish Hope. Every brand in our store do clothes that I want to wear myself or that I would like my girlfriend or my close friend to have.
Stockholm Fashion Week is very niche, you can see barely more than 10 shows according to the “mainstream” brands.
At them moment I think the fashion week in Stockholm is a bit to monotone. We do not have any strong trade fairs for the more conceptual fashion brands, which make it hard for them to motivate having a show.
Which are your favorite stores in Europe?
I like the obvious ones Colette and MerciMerci in Paris, Dover Street Market in London, and my favourite store the wonderful 10 Corso Como in Milano.
Tell me some favorite spots in Stockholm.
Books/Magazines: Papercut, Konst-IG
Art: Magasin 3, Moderna museet, Steinsland Berliner, Crystal Palace
Breakfast: Kaffeverket (S:t Eriksgatan 88)
Drinks: Riche, Tranan, Kåken, F12
Address: PUB.02, Hötorget, 11171 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Saturday 11:00-18:00, Sunday 11:00-17:00)
Tel: +46 8 789 1930
Text: Victor MorenoAPLACE
地址:PUB.02, Hötorget, 11171 Stockholm
开放时间:10:00-19:00 (星期六11:00-18:00, 星期日11:00-17:00)
电话:+46 8 789 1930