
© Knotan
He was born in 1973, he has a particular background as a fashion photographer, trained as a welder, he quickly grew to dislike a series of dreary jobs and ended up taking the decision1973年生まれの彼は、ファッションフォトグラファーとしては少し変わった経歴の持ち主だ。一度は溶接工として働いていたものの、すぐにその一連の退屈な仕事に嫌気がさし、写真学校へ進むことを決意。以来、北欧のフォトグラファーとして多くの人気を獲得している。
インディゴ (Götgatan 19)
バビロン (Björns Trädgårdsgränd)
ペーパーカット (Krukmakargatan 24-26 på Södermalm)
ギャラリー・ステインスランベルリン (Bondegatan 70)
ガン・ギャラリー (Runebergsgatan 3)
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Ayano Yamada to attend photography school. Since then he has turned in one of the favorite Scandinavian photographers for many ones.
Originally hailing from Örnsköldsvik in the north of Sweden, these days Knotan lives and works in Stockholm. If his photo style begins to look familiar to you, it’s probably because you recognize his earthy approach from publicity shots for T-Post, J. Lindeberg, Cheapo, CTRL or music bands such as The Strokes, The Hives, Annie, The Kills, among many others.
Although I know you feel more comfortable step out of advertisement business. How it being within such experience so far?
I think with the internet everything is global. But its kind of fun knowing the things you do will appear all over the world. I think that everyone knows when you’re doing commercial work it’s always someone that you have to please and “cant do your thing”.
What is your opinion about the communication and editorial landscape in Sweden/Stockholm/Scandinavia?
I don’t compare. I have from the beginning been working towards other countries and other magazines that has something more than how you should look right now and who is hot or not.
Some magazine from Scandinavia you now could highlight?
S Magazine (Denmark).
What do you like about Stockholm?
I love Stockholm in the summer and its not that big city so its close to everything and all of my best friends live here.
Which places could you recommend for a good hang-out?
Indigo (Götgatan 19)
Babylon (Björns Trädgårdsgränd)
Papercut (Krukmakargatan 24-26 på Södermalm) (T-bana: Mariatorget, uppgång Torkel Knutssons gata)
Gallery SteinslandBerliner (Bondegatan 70)
Gun Gallery (Runebergsgatan 3)
Which other cities are you feeling inspired for. It can be because your own experience already or because you are just in the mood for it.
Helsinki, Amsterdam, Berlin. I really like places when I get to know them, not just visit a town or place for a weekend, so I like to return to places and discover them.
Knotan is represented by New Blood Agency all over the world. A magnificent agency originally based in Malmö that recently moved to Stockholm. They really have the touch and sense necessary and its rooster includes also others great photographers.
Text: Victor Moreno