

Klara G is a top-solicited photographer in town. She is represented by Britta Martin one of the photo-agencies pioneer in Swedenクララは地元で人気のフォトグラファー。彼女はスウェーデンのフォトエージェンシーのパイオニアとも言える、ブリッタ・マーティンに所属している。人、ビューティー、静物を得意とし、またストックホルムのナイトライフを共にエンジョイしてくれる良き仲間でもある。そんな彼女に自身のスタジオで会うことができた。このスタジオは「スタショーネン」といい、数名のフリーフォトグラファーが所属している。ストックホルムの南方の島、トレンディーなゼーデルマルムのソーホー地区の近くにある美しいフォトスタジオだ。








El mundo(エル・ムンド)と Matkultur(マットクルトゥーア) (スコーネガタン) カクテルとランチが最高。
Snottys(スノッティーズ) (スコーネガタン) 近くに他にも素敵なバーがたくさんある通りに面している。
Kåken(コーケン) (Regeringsgatan) 新しいお店。これからもっとおもしろくなっていくこと間違い無なし。
Pontus!(ポンタス) (ブルンスガタン) 料理がものすごくおいしくいけど高い。スケップスブロンにも「ポンタス・バイ・ザ・シー」があります。



Text and photo: Victor Moreno
Translation: Ayano Yamada
. Klara is great with people, she is great with beauty, she is great with still life and she is also a great company for a good hang-out over the Stockholm nightlife. We meet her in her studio. The place is known as Stationen and holds few different freelance photographers. It´s a beautiful photo-studio located by the trendy area of SoFo in Södermalm, the southern island of Stockholm.

Could you let me know a bit from your background.

I´ve been working as a freelance photographer for the last eight years. I have been working with many of Sweden´s biggest brands.
I spent 3 years in a photography school in the southern part of Sweden (Gamleby School of Photography). After I finished I started off as a portrait photographer at the Swedish Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm (Dramaten). I don’t know if I have a special sweetest moment, I´m always truly amused by my shootings and I find almost every shooting just as special and amusing, I get most of my clients because of my quirky manner.

What is your opinion about the communication and editorial landscape in Sweden/Scandinavia? And how you could compare that pulse within Stockholm itself.

I have a feeling that something is missing in the editorial world of Stockholm, for example Im´ missing a magazine with the perfect blend of art and fashion with a good eye for still life, with humor, overall I think its a little strange that we don´t see that much humor in our magazines. The only reason I see is that Stockholm is too small to be able to contain everything.

What do you like about Stockholm and what don´t?

I like the water, it surrounds you wherever you are in the city. The light is magic. I don´t like that it´s cold here fifty percent of the year, but its magic when spring arrives, everyone starts to smile again and lower their shoulders and starts to say hello to each other again.

Which places could you recommend for a good hang-out?

El mundo and Matkultur (Erstagatan) Best cocktails and lunch.
Snottys (Skånegatan) Best street, close to so many other nice little bars.
Kåken (Regeringsgatan) New place which is really promising.
Pontus! (Brunnsgatan) Heavenly good (and expensive) food, there’s also “Pontus by the sea” which is on Skeppsbron.

Which other cities are you feeling inspired for?

I just got back from Cape Town and I´m already planning my trip back there, maybe that city will be my solution out of Stockholm´s cold climate during the winter.

Text and photo: Victor Moreno

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