
ヨハン・ユレスコーグJohan Jureskog

© Restaurang AG

© Restaurang AG

Johan Jureskog is Chef Creative Director of Restaurang AG, he has won Best Meat Restaurant for 2 years consecutively in Sweden. He is known as “The Butcher” on his collaboration for channel TV4 in Sweden. He plans to have his own TV showヨハン・ユレスコーグはレストランAGのシェフでクリエイティブディレクターである。彼は、レストランAGを2年にわたりスウェーデンのベスト・ミート・レストランに導いた。スウェーデンのチャンネルTV4では、“ザ・ブッチャー(ザ・肉屋)” として知られ、彼自身のTV番組も企画している。















AG Restaurang & Bar
住所:Kronobergsgatan 37, 112 33 Stockholm
TEL:+46 (0)8 4106 8100

Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Fuyumi Saito
. He started-up cooking when he was 16. –“I’ve been always interested in food. In Sweden people don’t gather that much around the food but for some reason we have done that in my home. So one day I decided to become a chef, wanted to be the best one. I spend 6 months abroad during my military service on a boat and achieved to be the personal chef for the captain. That was the best experience for me that could happen by then; I was young, going around the world, picking up raw materials, cooking and trying everything. When we came in into the harbor I should take care of captain’s guests, maximum fourteen, when we went out to the next town every single officer should come to visit captain’s room to have a dinner and I was responsible of that, so I don’t know if I did military service but force myself to try new recipes and learn. After that I had the chance to work in the Swedish restaurant Pole Norberg in Stockholm, he is like my mentor. Thereafter I worked three years in France between Paris and Provence. I’ve been doing meet the last four years. AG is about the product, it is about to have the best meet all around the world. I’m searching on every stone for it.” His cuisine is based basically in the Mediterranean countries.

What could you say to young people looking for becoming a chef?

Don’t go to culinary college. If you have your dream about build your own restaurant you have to go and start economics. Then you work yourself to the top because to my opinion you can’t learn in the school how to be a great chef.

Regarding meat, what are your favorite places to find the best meat?

When we open AG on the first place I talked to the best butcher there is in Sweden. It is a butchery called Fällmans Kött.
With him we did our own label and that is something that it is supposed to keep same quality all the time. The hand pick that meat but eventually he has to search a little bit in Denmark and a little bit in Germany, so it always look the same: old cows, very, very marbled so when the guests eats it this is supposed to be the same all the time. We aged the meat for 30 days around.

I think you recently represented Sweden in the most important BBQ world championship (in Memphis, USA) ?

Yeah, a really crazy place! It was amazing. We were invited; they do invite a country every year so this time it was Sweden. I gave them a recipe I wanted to do and they said – Oh, interesting but you couldn’t put this in the contest because we don’t have a pork belly contest. So BBQ it is something different, they put in two-contest seafood and ribs. We did it in our way… In Sweden if somebody does something different answer is oh very interesting, good but here is interesting, good but we score medium. There were only people from Memphis in the judges broad. If you go there you have to cook Memphis way, otherwise you are fucked (laughs). It was a fantastic experience anyways and we met tow of the champions that helps us. Great people and memories for life.

Please let me know a recommendation for wine to eat with meat.

If I would say something I really like is wine from Napa Valley in California. I love those wines. I also love Mas la Plana from Torres in Spain. People always are up for a piece of meat and a good bottle of one.

Do you think culinary culture in Sweden has experience a twist?

For people from Mediterranean culture it is all about food. It is like the good wines. Last twenty years in Sweden has been exploding here, before people used not to go to restaurant and nowadays day people expend lots of money in do that and socialize. Thus it became restaurants too. I would say the biggest explosion actually has been in the last two years due to they put down the tax from 25% to 12%.

Please drop me a few tips about Stockholm.

Besides AG, I run a restaurant called and Rolfs Kök (Rolf’s Kitchen). Rolf’s kitchen is based on classic recipes from Spain, Italy, France and Sweden that I do in my way. I love bowels, liver every part so my philosophy is to use as much as you can. People generally eat too much fillet, and only 2% of animal body is that. Rolf’s Kitchen is an institution for ten years now. I’m sorry to say I hate textures and things like that so this food is “as it supposed to be,” really good ingredients, cooked for a very long time or short time, but always in a very natural way; very rustic kitchen. In Rolf’s Kitchen I am famous for my braised chicks, I can sell hundred kilos per week. It’s my signature dish.

What are your plans for the near future?

I want to do my own TV show.

Restaurang AG
Address: Kronobergsgatan 37, 112 33 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 17:00-25:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: +46 (0)8 4106 8100

Text: Victor Moreno

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