

'Finsta electronics, the 2006 summer collection' at gallery Mirai Projects, in Gamlastan, Stockholm, May 2006

'Finsta electronics, the 2006 summer collection' at gallery Mirai Projects, in Gamlastan, Stockholm, May 2006

Regarding the illustration and visual graphics field, Sweden has a well-known potential, perhaps due to the great schools that you can find within this field. Finsta is one of the leading contemporary urban artistsイラストレーションやグラフィックの世界では、スウェーデンはとても潜在能力のある国として知られている。ヨーロッパの現代アーティストの中でも、ひときわ頭角を現しているのがスウェーデン出身のアーティスト、フィンスタ。彼が持つポップ・カルチャーへの愛、現代の空気感、そしてそれらを世の人々の目に届かせ、表現することを自然の喜びとしているような彼は、現代のポップ・アーティスト達にニューウェーブを巻き起こしている。










僕の名前の書かれているものと、ストックホルムのホームレスの男性が描いた「Satan i Gatan」(英語で「Satan in the street」の意)というグラフィティの写真を集めているくらいかな。


ヨートガータン、フォルクンガガータン、ソーデルマルムのあたりで先ほど言った「Satan i Gatan」の落書きが見れると思います。一度スタイルを覚えると、たくさんの場所に描いてあることにすぐに気付くはず。
ギャラリー・スタインスランド・ベルリナー にもぜひ立ち寄って、彼らに気さくに声をかけてみてください。そして僕の本、「フィンスタ・グラフィックス」を手に取るのを忘れずに!

Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Junko Isogawa
in Europe. His love for popular culture and the urban environment, in combination with a desire to be seen and to produce works available to the broad public, has made him a pioneer in the new wave of pop artists/urban artists.

Please introduce yourself.

I call myself Finsta. I am an artist, that big companies hire when they want to do something cool.

Did you study in the art school in the south of Sweden or it was in Stockholm?

I grew up in the south, but I moved up and studied at Konstfack in Stockholm 99 – 04.

Some people recognize your style from a graffiti phase in your career.

You could see my background in my work. That is how I like it to be.
Through the different stages of my life I was into different things. Some things faded out and some things live on. I like to do big, expressive fast and spontaneous work. A lot of these things came with graffiti.

In fact, you are also animation teacher once in a while. Where do you usually do that and if you plan to carry on with the lectures.

I have been teaching classes in stop motion animation at Beckmans design school for a few years. I enjoy it. It gives me perspective on my own work, and its nice to be around young creative people. I will keep doing it every now and then when I find time.

It is something in particular that you collect yourself?

I collect products with my name on them, and I collect pictures of graffiti made by a homeless man in Stockholm called “Satan i Gatan” (“Satan in the street”).

Please namedrop some tips for our readers how to enjoy in Stockholm.

On Götgatan around Folkungagatan on Södermalm, you can find alot of “Satan i Gatan” scribbles. Once you know the style, you can see it everywhere.
Don’t miss Gallery Steinsland Berliner when you’re in the area, drop in and have a nice chat. Make sure to pick up a copy of my book “Finsta graphics“.

Text: Victor Moreno

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