
フィリッパ KFilippa K

© Filippa K

© Filippa K

Since Filippa Knutsson founded the brand in the early nineties, Filippa K has established a concept pioneer ambassador for the Scandinavian fashion style – clean design for modern timesフィリッパ・クヌットソンが90年代の初頭にブランドを設立して以来、フィリッパ K(Filippa K)は「現代のための質素なデザイン」という、スカンジナビアファッションの観念の開拓者の代表となった。当初、彼女のコレクションは女性物に限られたが、すぐに女性物と男性物の製作を始めた。彼女の周囲の人間は彼女を賞賛し、尊敬する。彼女の常に変化を求め、チャーミングな性質はブログにて参照する事ができる。ストックホルムでは6店のフラッグシップストアがある。こちらにて詳細の確認が可能。ブルーノ・ガレリアン内の新店舗もお見のがしなく。






小さな事はいつも変わっています。私たちの強みはFlippa Kが人々のシンプル、清潔、それに加えて機能性のある、デザインを求めた所から出て来たところです。私たちは常にその要望に答える様にやってきました。これはブランドの芯の部分であり、変わる事のないヴィジョンです。



Filippa K AB
住所:Söder Mälarstrand 65, 9tr, 11825 Stockholm
TEL:+46 8 615 70 00

Brunogallerian, Stockholm
住所:Götgatan 36, 11826 Stockholm
TEL:+46 8 615 7080

Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Meiko Maruyama
, so to speak. She is the Creative Director. Though her firsts collections were just for women, soon she works with both, men and womenswear. People on the circuit shows admiration and respect for her. You can have a look at her blog, which reveals sort of her restless and charming character. You can find six different flagship stores in town. You can get all the details here. In addition, don´t miss the new store concept in Brunogallerian.

As founder of the brand, what turned out as a benefit in your current work routine?

I have surrounded myself with passionate colleagues that I trust and believe in, it allows me to focus on my work as Creative Director. I don’t have to be involved in every little detail, it would be impossible to grow then.

Do you still like to get involved in all the brand communication?

Yes, I work on an overall brand level, the communication is very much a part of that.

Are there any relevant changes in your vision today?

Of course little things change all the time but one of our greatest strengths is that Filippa K comes out of a personal need for clean, simplistic and functional design and that we have stayed true to that need through the years. That’s not a vision that is going to change, it’s the core of the brand.

Could you be so kind to tell me a few tips for our readers about Stockholm?

Don’t miss Stockholm classic PA&CO, it’s a small restaurant that’s know equally well for its ambiance as its great food. We held our menswear presentation there this season. On another note one of the greatest sides of Stockholm is it’s closeness to nature and the archipelago. Don’t forget to just wander around and look at the pretty water and enjoys the lush parks in summer. Enjoy the calmness that the city has.

Filippa K AB
Address: Söder Mälarstrand 65, 9tr, 11825 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 615 70 00

Brunogallerian, Stockholm
Address: Götgatan 36, 11826 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00 (Saturday till 17:00, Sunday 12:00 – 17:00)
Tel: +46 8 615 7080

Text: Victor Moreno

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