アントン・サンドクヴィストAnton Sandqvist

© Photo: Knotan
It is quite certain that Swedes have some kind of natural skill to succeed in business, it is some kind of noteworthy contribution in the rest of the world; a balance between aesthetics and value for moneyスウェーデン人には、ビジネスで成功するスキルが自然に備わっているのは間違いなく、このことは、世界の他の国々にとっても、美とお金の価値のバランスにおいて貴重な役割の一端を担っているだろう。加えて、スウェーデン文化・教育交流機関によると、スウェーデンは、国営企業に対して環境維持報告書の提出を義務付けた初めての国ということだ。同時に、スウェーデンのファッション業界の多くのブランドが、独自のライフスタイルと信頼性を持って、数々のブランドが確固たる地位を築き始めている。そんなブランドの一つが、アントン・サンドクヴィスト率いるブランド「サンドクヴィスト」である。メンズバッグの市場に名乗りを上げたブランドは、日常における新しいアクセサリーの提案を行い、最近注目を集めつつある。
Sandqvist Store
住所:Swedenborgsgatan 3, 118 48 Stockholm
営業時間:11:00〜18:00(土曜日16:00まで, 日曜日12:00〜16:00)
TEL:+46 709 85 4731
Text and photo: Victor Moreno
Translation: Mariko Takei. In addition, according to the Swedish Institute, Sweden was the first country to require sustainability reports from state-owned companies. So the package is out there. At the same time, it happen that the Swedish fashion industry has built a strong profile with many brands that spread its unique lifestyle and reliability. Anton Sandqvist, founder of Sandqvist it is one of the most recent examples about it; entrepreneur that decided to contribute to this wheel within a demand in the market for mens bags – as a new accessory in the everyday life – steadily on the rise.
How the idea about to start up a bag company evolved?
I was lacking creativity in my job as account manager and at my free-time I started to play around making some different products. I made some lamps and furniture before I stitched the first bag. In the beginning it was really just to have something creative things to do. I have always been a handy person, building and sewing things all since I was a kid. Then when people started to ask about this bag I made I realized that there weren’t many good bags for men in the market and that’s how Sandqvist bags started.
What is the core value that you look for within your designs?
A timeless style, functionality and durability. If I get to see youngsters 20 years from now use vintage Sandqvist bags they found in their parents wardrobe, then I will be happy!
Sandqvist reflects quite fair a Scandinavian everyday life for both lifestyles, cosmopolitan and country side. How come?
That’s great that you think so. We really don’t plan that we should make bags that suit for the metropolitan life and also for the country side. Me and Daniel –my younger brother, we share the design job at Sandqvist– both live in Stockholm and are very much into outdoor life such as hiking, skiing and fishing, so it just automatically becomes like that. It sounds like a cliche, but mostly we just make the kind of bags we want to use ourselves. I don’t really know any other way to do it. At least not if you put your own name on it.
Samis are the indigenous people of the north of Scandinavia. How do you think are they represented in the actual Swedish society and how could they influence in some of your designs?
The traditional Samis are fascinating me a lot. They live their whole life fully dependent on the nature and the things they use in their everyday life always in first hand fill its function, but also can have a high artistic level, like a sami knife or the traditional dresses. I like the idea of things that have a clear function, to put that first, but then to make it really beautiful too.
Do you have a flagship store in Stockholm?
No we don’t. We might also still be a bit too small to have one. But in the area where we would like to have it, we also have our best customer, the great shop Grandpa, who have our full line so it feels a bit tricky to start a flagship store and compete with ourselves there. Maybe we will open one in Berlin instead in the future!
Tell us some place in Stockholm that you like.
You can find the whole Sanqvist collection at Grandpa, they have a couple of stores in town.
In the summer: Go to Långholmen for an evening picnic and a swim in the lake before a bar-round in nearby area Hornstull.
Always: Visit the bar Harvest Home in Bondegatan 50 – the hangout for Stockholms aged (and younger) cultural crowd on the drift.
Sandqvist Store
Address: Swedenborgsgatan 3, 11848 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 11:00-18:00 (Saturday till 16:00, Sunday 12:00-16:00)
Tel: +46 709 85 4731
Text: Victor Moreno