
© Treehotel
Located in the community of Harads, in the Swedish province of Norrbotten, west of Lapland and east to Finland. An easy option to arrive there from Stockholm is to flight to the city of Luleåツリーホテルは、スウェーデン、ノールボッテンのハラッズ市内にある。ラップランド地域の西側エリアで、東隣がフィンランドだ。ストックホルムから来るなら、ルレオ市まで飛行機を使い、そこからラロッズ市までは距離にして800kmほど。地域の交通機関を利用するのがよい。
「ミラーキューブ」は、ボレー・サム&マルティン・ヴィデガルドがデザインしたダブルルーム。4メートル四方のミラーガラスで囲まれた外壁が、森の景観を映し出すカモフラージュの働きをし、隠れ家のような佇まいをしている。実際、角度によっては、その存在が見えなくなるほどで、まるで野生の生き物のようでさえある。 内部は合板でデザインされ、窓からは周囲360度の景色を鑑賞できる。
「ア・ルーム・ウィズ・ビュー(眺めの部屋)」は マージ・アーキテクツによるデザインで、ハラッズの地形と自然に関連して3つの仕掛けがある。川の流れる景色楽しむダイニングルーム、森林に面したベッドルーム、そして松林に組み込まれた屋上テラスだ。
ツリーホテルは、今後も拡張する予定で、20部屋が増設される計画となっている。すでにフィンランドの建築家サミ・リンターラが設計した部屋が建設中だ。 さらに、このツリーホテルではサウナも常設されている。スカンジナビアの余暇には欠かせないサウナで、神聖で優雅な時間を楽しもう。
住所:2A 960 24 Harads, Sweden
TEL:+46 928 104 03
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Chihiro Miyazaki. Then get some local transport to Harads. For sure, you always can get the car and drive through in summertime. It is about 800 Km.
Treehotel is open all year round. Each room have an electric under-floor heating system which will be delivered from an eco- friendly source of electricity. Some activities exclusively for wintertime are, for instance: husky sled safari in the boreal forest or skijoring behind a horse. Mountain biking, trek, horse riding or fishing are the principal activities during summertime.
This eco-based design concept hotel has been developed by a group of Swedish architects and lightning designers. All different to each other. The average price per room/person is about $200, that includes taxes and buffet breakfast. If you follow them in facebook you will find offers like 30% off.
`The Mirrorcube´, a double room designed by architects Bolle Tham & Martin Videgård. A 4x4x4 meter boxes clad in mirrored glass. The exterior reflects the surroundings of the forest, creating a camouflaged refuge – totally invisible from a few angles– just like a predator in the wildness. The interior is constructed from plywood and the windows give a 360 degrees view of the surroundings.
`The Cabin’, designed by Marten and Gustav Cyrén – an elongated tube, matchbox-like structure with big windows and rounded corners lengthwise that hangs between two pine trees on a steep slope, high above the ground. The actual tree house is suspended from the deck. The front wall is made of glass. It provides a beautiful view of the valley of the Luleå River. The interior design goes in a Nordic style, with that combination of light wood and colored wool. This “capsule” is furnished with a double bed.
`The Bird’s Nest´ designed by Bertil Harström of Inredningsgruppen. This is perhaps the most intuitive concept, the child who plays to be a wild animal, hidden, safe. It is a family room: one double bed and two children beds, separated with sliding doors. You access the nest by a retractable staircase.
`The Blue Cone´ by Sandell Sandberg, it is the only room with 2 different levels, double bed plus 2 adult beds on the loft. This Lego-like room is made of wood and the windows with cupola of plastic.
`The UFO´designed as well by Harström provides again with one double bed and two single child beds. Just like taken from Explorers (the film) this capsule stays in the tree as if it were a spaceship landed from outer space.
`A room with a view´ designed by Marge architects offers three unique perspectives on the woods and the Harads landscape. It has a more sophisticated structure composed by the dining-room facing the river landscape, the elevated bedroom facing the forest, the bathroom and the roof terrace embedded within the pine trees.
Treehotel expands as you read. There is plan to build over 20 more rooms. Finish architect Sami Rintala currently works on next generation. In addition, you will find the sauna, indispensable activity for the Scandinavian spare time. A sacred and respectful meeting.
Address: 2A 960 24 Harads, Sweden
Tel: +46 928 104 03
Text: Victor Moreno