グランド・ホテル・ストックホルムGrand Hotel Stockholm

© Grand Hotel Stockholm
グランド・ホテル・ストックホルムは、スウェーデンで最も高級なホテルのひとつであり、素晴らしい歴史をもったホテルだ。1874年の開業以来Grand Hotel is one of the most exclusive hotel in Sweden and has a fascinating history. Since the hotel was built in 1874, many people including royalties and celebrities、世界中から王室やセレブリティなど、たくさんの人々がこのホテルを訪れている。
初めてノーベル賞授賞式が開かれた大広間「鏡の間」(写真) は、スウェーデンの文化遺産のひとつと言えるだろう。
Grand Hotel Stockholm
住所:S. Blasieholmshamnen 8, 10327 Stockholm
TEL:+46 (0)8 679 3500
have visited Grand Hotel from all over the world.
The first Nobel Prize ceremony was also held in the magnificent banquet room “Hall Of Mirror.” (photo) This room is said to be one of the cultural heritage in Sweden.
In 2006, some of the important renovation were done. Then 76 new rooms were opened. From the guest rooms, guests can enjoy excellent view of the old city, Gamla Stan. In addition to 368 rooms including 37 suites, there are 24 banquet and conference rooms, restaurant, bar, health club and spa.
This hotel is located in front of Stockholms slott and next to National Museum. Also shopping area is near the hotel.
Grand Hotel Stockholm
Address: S. Blasieholmshamnen 8, 10327 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0)8 679 3500
地址:S. Blasieholmshamnen 8, 10327 Stockholm
电话:+46 (0)8 679 3500