ホテル・ビリエル・ヤールHotel Birger Jarl

© Hotel Birger Jarl
Going back in history to the 1200´s we found the beginnings of Stockholm as a city itself. Birger Jarl is popularly known as the founder of Stockholm due to a documentストックホルムの始まりは1200年頃まで遡る。そんなストックホルムを築いた人物として有名なビリエル・ヤール。彼はストックホルムを文書上で市としてはじめて認めたことで知られている。彼の息子である、スウェーデン国王のマグヌス3世はストックホルムをさらに拡大させ、住民も着々と増やしていった。
Hotel Birger Jarl
住所:Tulegatan 8, 10432 Stockholm
TEL:+46 (0)8 674 1800
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Ayano Yamada which name the place for 1st time signed by him. His son, King Magnus Ladulås developed the town increasing substantially the number of inhabitants.
The Hotel Birger Jarl combines this well known heritage within a modern Swedish design. A team of different designers has been taking care of the atmosphere, look and feel of the hotel. You find designers such as Thomas Sandell, probably most well known for his contribution on IKEA PS Collection.
However the list of all different designers is long. The red-threat is the use of natural material such as wood and stone.Warm, cool and very Swedish. On his communication you can read “We have created Sweden´s first hotel specialising in modern Swedish design. All our room categories are designed to unite functionality and aesthetic appeal”.
The hotel has a great value for money with different offers on every season.
In addition you will be embraced by the hi-standing area of Vasastan which it will make your staying in the city much more easier and pleasant.
Hotel Birger Jarl
Address: Tulegatan 8, 10432 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0)8 674 1800
Text: Victor Moreno酒店 Birger Jarl
地址:Tulegatan 8, 10432 Stockholm
电话:+46 (0)8 674 1800