

© Karin Björkquist

Photo: © Karin Björkquist

Founded in August 2007 by 3 designers in the different field of design, Katarina Andersson (product designer), Kajsa Aronsson (textile designer) and Caroline Lindholm (silversmith), HAPPYsthlm is a Swedish design companyハッピーストックホルム(HAPPYsthlm)は、2007年8月にストックホルムに誕生したデザインカンパニー。プロダクト・デザイナーのカタリナ・アンダーソン、テキスタイル・デザイナーのカイサ・アロンソン、銀細工師のキャロライン・リンドホルムの、異分野で活躍する3人のスウェーデンデザイナーが設立し、ディテール、素材、色、機能に注目した多様なデザインを手掛けている。




住所:Stora Nygatan 36, 11127 Stockholm
TEL:+46 (0)8 642 1505

Text: Mariko Takei
that offers colorful design with regard to detail, material, color and function.

In the spring 2007, they started to share their professional practice to make a new creative approach, after many years having shared a courtyard studio in Stockholm. HAPPYsthlm creates their own design products including a small collection of textiles, glass, ceramics, jewelry and cast iron, in collaboration with other companies who can share their interest in quality and attention to details.

HAPPYsthlm works on creating colorful collection with coordinated themes for home and fashion. A design language that can be enlarged, reduced, changed, and used to create different objects in various materials is characteristic for HAPPYsthlm. Their product lineup consists of 3 different product lines: OBJECTS that features home products made out of 3 different materials such as cast iron, glass and ceramics, TEXTILE that features various lineups such as kitchen products, cushions, and shawls that are made of print textile with different color variations, and JEWELLERY that includes a collection of necklaces and earrings which are inspired by leaf shapes in the textile patterns.

You can find HAPPYsthlm products at 2 shops in Stockholm, Carl Malmsten and Skansen, an open air museum exhibiting a miniature historical Sweden, located on the island Djurgården.

Address: Stora Nygatan 36, 11127 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0)8 642 1505

Text: Mariko Takei

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