
© Tjallamalla
It is very well-known that Sweden provides with a boost in young fashion design. Sweden has great educational institutions indeed. But talented individuals and institutions若者のファッションデザインをリードしてる国、スウェーデン。スウェーデンには、すばらしい教育環境が整ってるが、才能のある人が消費マーケットに届く手段がない。ファッションショップ「シャラマラ」はこの問題を解決する要となっている。ショップ名の読み方は、ネイティブ以外には分かりづらいが、90年代半ばから運営されている実力店だ。
住所:Bondegatan 46, Södermalm, 11633 Stockholm
営業時間:12:00〜18:00(土曜日16:00まで, 日曜日15:00まで)
TEL:+46 (0)8 640 7847
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Chihiro Miyazaki that make them strenghened and sharpened could be orphan without a way out to the consumer market. Tjallamalla is in fact one of a kind cornerstone to close the deal. This store with unpronounceable name for the foreigners, (read “shalamala”), they bet for it ! They been doing that since mid 90s. You will find brands such Uniforms for the Dedicated, Sandqvist, Knokk and many more. For sure it is up & coming Swedish designers but also they look for interesting proposals from abroad Scandinavia. Good accessories and good shoes. Boys and girls.
The store is complemented by a nice selection of items from other more established Swedish brands including Resteröds, The Stray Boys, Minimarket or Carin Wester. Overall more than 200 designers and labes. They also have a vintage section of garments. Oh, don´t forget you can also find some illustration artworks, good magazines and books art-design-orientated. To be updated you can join their blog.
The store is located in one of the main streets of Söder, in the area of SoFo. Well, the name SoFo started as a joke refereeing to similar areas in London or New York due it is a prolific area for cafes, bars, stores and so on. SoFo today is emblematic and recognized name it self that every last Thursday of each month stores in the area open extra time until 9 pm, It is called SoFo nights and it is a classic in town !
Address: Bondegatan 46, Södermalm, 11633 Stockholm
Open: 12:00-18:00 (Saturday till 16:00, Sunday till 15:00)
Tel: +46 (0)8 640 7847
Text: Victor Moreno