
サンドクヴィスト・ストアSandqvist Store

© Sandqvist Store

The love for the nature, to experience the woods, fly fishing, isolation in harmony; all this enjoyment is sort of a trend steadily on the rise. Scandinavia has a remarkable nature, which woo the soul of the serenity-seekers自然を愛する心、森とのふれあい、フライフィッシング、平和な世界から距離を置くこと…。これらは昨今、着実に人気が上昇しているジャンルだ。スカンジナビアの人々は、自然と共にあろうとする性質があり、スウェーデンのバッグブランド・サンドクヴィストは、このことを十分に認識している。彼らの自然に対する愛情こそが、国際的な日常生活にも非常に有用な新しいキャンバスラインを備えた最初のバッグコレクションを開発するきっかけとなった。








Sandqvist Store
住所:Swedenborgsgatan 3, 118 48 Stockholm
営業時間:11:00〜18:00(土曜日16:00まで, 日曜日12:00〜16:00)
TEL:+46 709 85 4731

Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Mariko Uramoto
. The guys from the Swedish bags Sandqvist know about this, indeed. Their love for the nature led them to develop the first collection with a new canvas line, which it is also very useful for the cosmopolitan everyday life.

Thus the whole new collection now has found its home. Sandqvist opened their first concept store. A corner-shop located in the so-called island of Södermalm, in southern Stockholm. It’s a very nice space next to the beautiful square of Mariatorget. The space does the function for both head-quarters and shop/showroom.

It’s very easy to find. You can either walk from any point of the island or take the subway to Mariatorget station in the red line. If you pick up the exit towards Swedenborgsgatan, once you are in the street, you will see the store right in front of you. This store means a milestone for the brand, which may will develop the concept to other capitals in Europe. So for the moment, you can take advance of it in your next visiting to Stockholm.

Since 2004, founder Anton Sanqvist, had in mind the possibility of having his own concept store. Now, that moment arrived. “The collection has grown up enough to date; we had the plan to run our store in order to acquire access to all our products at once, whilst establishing a direct contact with our customers. We found this cozy corner space in a location perfect for us, due to it is not too close to any of our current dealers in town. In addition, this area of the island is becoming more shopping-fashion-orientated. For instance, right behind us is Tvålpalatset, one of the most famous spots for fashion clearance used by the best Swedish brands.”

The space counts with a collection of framed pictures from the photographer Knotan, who has developed the image of Sandqvist from its beginning. The essence of the brand can also be seen in the materials of the products and the color selection. In the last two seasons, in addition to the bag collection, the brand developed a line of accessories with knitted garments and leather items. This improved their first basic wallet line. In fact, one of the best sellers within the collection is an iPhone holder made in leather, so it will be protect it in case you are in the need to check your e-mails when in front of the bonfire.

All-in-all, this store is a milestone for the brand, which hopefully will develop this concept idea further to other new capitals in Europe.

Sandqvist Store
Address: Swedenborgsgatan 3, 11848 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 11:00-18:00 (Saturday till 16:00, Sunday 12:00-16:00)
Tel: +46 709 85 4731

Text: Victor Moreno

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