



The inhabitants per m2 is always a factor that influences in the overall offer of a city. It is tricky to compare a major city like London or Paris with another city of minor range in Europe人口の多さは、その都市の生活全体に影響する重要なファクターである。ヨーロッパで言えば、ロンドンやパリのような大都市には、他の小さな都市とは比べようもない程たくさんのものが整っている。しかしストックホルムにこの原則は当てはまらない。人口わずか120万人のこの街には世界でも有数の面白いスポットが揃っている。この街から生まれるデザインやファッションの力が、他のどこにもないような刺激的な場所を作り出すのだ。革新的なファッションやライフスタイルを発信するデパート「パブ」はそのひとつの例である。




住所:Hötorget, 11171 Stockholm
営業時間:10:00〜19:00 (土曜日11:00〜18:00, 日曜日11:00〜17:00)
TEL:+46 8 789 1930

Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Shiori Saito
in terms of what a cosmopolitan life offers you. Even though, a city like Stockholm, which has 1.2 million inhabitants, has one of the most interesting offers you could find, with some places that actually you hardly will find somewhere else, primary due to the strong local production in design and fashion. One of those places is PUB, a department store dedicated to the innovative side of fashion and life style.

I guess every capital has its “Harrods” or “Bloomingdales”. In Stockholm you can find NK and Åhléns, two very fine establsihed classic Swedish department stores but the oldest former department store in Stockholm is PUB, founded in 1882 by Paul U Bergström. In 2007 PUB decided to reposition themselves towards contemporary fashion. A department store focused on trends. You will find 6 floors. Located in central Stockholm, about 27 different stores together in 16,000m2 with the best Scandinavian designers but also some other exciting offers, with about 450 brands represented.

In PUB you will find stores such as Aplace, or the more recent incorporation R.O.O.M which cover the whole top floor with a massive offer in Scandinavian furniture and interior design.

In the same floor you will find Publik, a restaurant with Swedish and international cuisine.

In PUB you also can enjoy its cafeteria in the ground floor, the perfect refreshment after the shopping for the very-well-known “fika” = a Swedish expression for coffee with Swedish pastry.
In addition, different conferences, exhibitions and happenings are always hosted in PUB.

Address: Hötorget, 11171 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 10:00-19:00 (Saturday 11:00-18:00, Sunday 11:00-17:00)
Tel: +46 8 789 1930

Text: Victor Moreno
地址:Hötorget, 11171 Stockholm
开放时间:10:00-19:00 (星期六11:00-18:00, 星期日11:00-17:00)
电话:+46 8 789 1930

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