ヌーディ・ジーンズNudie Jeans

Photo: © Jonas Linell
The first time I heard about organic jeans was because of the Swedish brand Nudie Jeans. They are an anti-fashion denim brand whose principles are closer to a rock band than a catwalk「履けば履くほどフィットして美しく見える」をコンセプトにしているヌーディージーンズはスウェーデンのブランドだ。パリコレでモデルが履くジーンズというよりは、ロックバンドが履くジーンズで、より日常的なイメージである。スウェーデンでは、ロックバンドの間でも人気で、ヌーディージーンズを履くミュージシャンは数多くいる。
Nudie Jeans
住所:Skånegatan 75, Södermalm, 116 37 Stockholm
営業時間:11:00〜18:30 (土曜17:00まで, 日曜12:00〜16:00)
TEL:+46 (0)8 4109 7200
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Kazunari Hongo; “The more you wear your jeans the more beautiful they get”. Nudie is a brand concerned with the rules on fair-trade and environmental protection. The organic denim respects all kind of ecological procedures but they also look after the correct labor conditions in its production.
A large number of Swedish local bands have created an honoured background in the contemporary rock music. It is easy to see Swedish musicians with a pair of Nudies. It is not just the most popular bands such as Mando Diao, Soundtrack of Our Lives or Division of Laura Lee but also within a culture in Sweden about American 50´s rock n ´roll.
Nudie loves music and so occasionally stores hold live acustic gigs that also are streamed online on the callled CCTV sessions. All this genuine character made Nudies spread like wildfire over Europe and with an interesting big success in the Japanese market. Actually about the 70% of the profits is generated out of Sweden.
Founder Maria Erixon, a former employee and Art Director of Lee Jeans wanted to create a whole concept store to give customers the opportunity to experience, see, and try the whole brand and not only chosen parts of it.
The store was opened on the 26th of April 2007. This flagship store of Nudie is located in the corner of the trendy area of SoFo by the south island of Stockholm in Södermalm. This location actually suits rather well with the brand´s personality. In fact, a few exterior speakers to the street embrace the whole atmosphere and usually a plant with a pair of Nudies instead of flowerpot waits for you at the entrance.
Nudie Jeans
Address: Skånegatan 75, Södermalm, 116 37 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 11:00-18:30 (Saturday till 17:00, Sunday 12:00-16:00)
Tel: +46 (0)8 4109 7200
Text: Victor MorenoNudie牛仔裤
地址:Skånegatan 75, Södermalm, 116 37 Stockholm
时间:11:00-18:30 (星期六至17:00, 星期日12:00-16:00)
电话:+46 (0)8 4109 7200