ホープ・ストアHope Store

© Hope
This is their latest store to date; it is the 3rd one, one in Copenhagen and two in Stockholm. A new flagship store located in the northern area of the city center called Vasastanコペンハーゲンに1つ、そしてストックホルムに2店舗構えているファッションブランド「ホープ」。新しい直営店は市の中心の北側にあたるヴァーサスタンと呼ばれる地域にあり、素敵なショッピング街やレストラン界隈に位置する。店舗面積はおよそ75m2。
Hope Store
住所:Odengatan 70, Vasastaden, 113 22 Stockholm
TEL:+46 (0) 830 7060
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Yoshitaka Futakawa. It is a nice neighbourghood with good shopping and restaurants. The store is circa 75m2.
About the new store Ann Ringstrand and Stefan Söderberg, founders of HOPE, say – “ We believe that because Stockholm is growing as a capital city people tend to stay in their hood during nights and weekend and like to eat and shop near by. Also Vasatan is a typical area where a lot of our customer live so it was quite easy to believe in this particular location” .
Johan Lytz och Christian Halleröd had from the values of the brand created a raw minimalistic shop inspired by a 1930´s industrial factory environment. The cash register and shop shelfs are made out of metal and the tables out of organic treated wood that ages nice with time. One key detail is a sliding door made of metal and 200 year old glass.
Hope Store
Address: Odengatan 70, Vasastaden, 113 22 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 11:00-18:30 (Saturday till 17.00, Sunday 12:00-16:00)
Closed on every Sunday in July
Tel: +46 (0) 830 7060
Text: Victor Moreno