

マティアス・ダールグレンは今スウェーデンで最も注目のシェフだ。ミシュランで1つ星を獲得した、自身初のレストラン「ボン・ロック」で成功を収めた後、グランド・ホテル・ストックホルムという重要なホテルでMathias Dahlgren is currently the most important chef in Sweden. After a successful phase with his first restaurant Bon Lloc、彼が再びストックホルムのレストランシーンに戻って来る。彼の新しいレストランは一流ホテルの中にオープンした。メインの伝統的レストラン「マットサレン」と、カジュアルで小さめだが、よりダイナミックな「マットバーレン」のふたつのレストラン。




住所:Grand Hotel Stockholm, S. Blasieholmshamnen 8, 10327 Stockholm
時間:ランチ 12:00〜14:00 (土日休) / ディナー 18:00〜深夜 (日曜休)
TEL:+46 (0)8 679 3584

Text and photo: Victor Moreno
Translation: Ayano Yamada
, awarded with one Michelin star, Mathias is back to the Stockholm restaurant scene in collaboration with such as important institution as The Grand Hotel. His new restaurant has opened within the prestigious hotel.

There are 2 rooms, Matsalen, the main classic restaurant and Matbaren, easier, smaller but more dynamic. His gastronomic philosophy is known as the natural cuisine. It is based mainly on that they work according to the seasons in Sweden and the neighborhood area in particular.

The menu is divided by native and global products, all of natural produce and natural taste. It is all about medium sized dishes. It is flexible, so your mood and appetite commands you to tour with the flow.

It is laid back and comfortable atmosphere within an exceptional experience. It is not just about amazing food but also the staff and the place itself create a greater whole. The background music mix up oldies and new material. Nico, Duffy o Nick Drake just to mention a few. The interior design is a work from Studio Ilse. In addition, it has elements from Swedish vintage.

Mathias as creative director of the restaurants has reasons to be very proud of it all. He has succeeded in both rooms with the Michelin Guide (two stars for Matsalen and one star for Matbaren). They also are, after two years as a new restaurant, already in the S.Pellegrino World 50 Best Restaurants list.

Address: Grand Hotel Stockholm, S. Blasieholmshamnen 8, 10327 Stockholm
Open: Lunch noon-14:00 (Mon-Fri) / Dinner 18:00-midnight (Mon-Sat)
Matsalen open: 19:00-midnight (Tue-Sat)
Matbaren is closed for lunch on Midsummer Day.
Matsalen and Matbaren are closed this summer between July 19 and August 9.
Tel: +46 (0)8 679 3584

Text and photo: Victor Moreno
地址:Grand Hotel Stockholm, S. Blasieholmshamnen 8, 10327 Stockholm
时间:午餐12:00-14:00 (周六・周日休息) /晚餐18:00至直到午夜 (周日休息)
电话:+46 (0)8 679 3584

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