
Photo © Paul McAllister
When you’re walking by the trendy street of Götgatan in the southern island of the city it is almost impossible to avoid that Indigo will grab your attention. Right next the famous Götgatsbackenストックホルム南部のゼーデルマルム島に位置するおしゃれな通り、ヨートガータンを散策すれば、かならず目に留まるのが「インディゴ・バー」だ。さまざまな店やバーの間を行き交う人々で賑わっているヨットガツバッケン地区のほど近くに位置している。
Indigo Bar
住所:Götgatan 19, Södermalm, 11646 Stockholm
TEL:+46 (0)8 6435859
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Kazuyuki Yoshimura, a busy area with people come and going from different stores and bars around.
In Indigo, the atmosphere, its cozy colorful light and the fact that people usually stay outside the door talking or having a smoke on the footpath invites to get in. Indigo is a truly unique place in town. Actually is the only place, so far as I know, that it can be totally different one night to other.
Not just because it has its a pretty wide and eclectic DJ offer, the bar is not that big so it depends on what people you will find there creates a different mood. However in Indigo usually you will find musicians and artists from the well known area of Södermalm, charming late nights in town are assured.
In Sweden all bars by law have to offer some alternative for food. Indigo is a nice choice to combine a hang out with drinks and a quick hot meal. Actually is perfect hang out for a weekday in town. Besides the classic Swedish way of pints of beers you should not miss the other suggestions from the bar, including negroni and of course, their fantastic mojitos!
Indigo Bar
Address: Götgatan 19, Södermalm, 11646 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 17:00-01:00 (Saturday from 15:00)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: +46 (0)8 6435859
Text: Victor Moreno靛青 酒吧
地址:Götgatan 19, Södermalm, 11646 Stockholm
电话:+46 (0)8 6435859