
© Papercut
How nice it is to find the right store with the right selection of items and if we are talking about collectible films, magazines, books and music perhaps that is even more appreciated. Sometimes is not「ペーパーカット」は、本、DVDなど豊富な在庫を取り揃えていることでも有名な人気店だ。映画、雑誌、本、音楽など、他の店では容易に見つからない場合なども、ペーパーカットで見つけることができるだろう。
住所:Krukmakargatan 24-26, Södermalm, 11851 Stockholm
営業時間:11:00〜18:30 (土曜17:00まで, 日曜12:00〜16:00)
TEL:+46 8 133574
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Kazunari Hongo that easy to find that film that you always wanted, a new limited edition or just the new issues of the current best hard-to-find magazines. Department stores does not give you that.
You always have to do your research online, be lucky, be patience, pay extra. Papercut is a popular top of the line book and dvd store located in the trendy area of Södermalm, an island south of the city center. They stock very neat collection which includes the best selection of magazines, books and dvds from past to present times, as well as life-time collections.
They care about you. You will probably fall in love with many of their gorgeous items. The walls in the store are full of shelves plenty of those items. Papercut is also a very nice chance to find the right gift. To be sure of a 100% success you can acquire a gift certificate by 100-250-500 SEK. If you feel a bit confused over such , check their monthly tips.
Papercut is located next door to other good fashion stores, cafes and restaurants so it is always a great plan to slide down to the area and sneak around. Just few steps from the tube´s red line in Mariatorget station. You can also have the option to purchase online but, hey pal, don´t miss the experience of a Sunday morning shopping in the area including your coffee with some Swedish pastry after all.
Address: Krukmakargatan 24-26, Södermalm, 11851 Stockholm
Opening Hours: 11:00-18:30 (Saturday till 17:00, Sunday 12:00-16:00)
Tel: +46 8 133574
Text: Victor MorenoPapercut
地址:Krukmakargatan 24-26, Södermalm, 11851 Stockholm
时间:11:00-18:30 (星期六至17:00, 星期日12:00-16:00)
电话:+46 8 133574