

A word play in Swedish between the words konst “art” and konstig “weird” fetch first idea on what this book store is about. A independent art book seller with a wide variety of「konst」は「アート」を、「konstig」は「奇妙」を意味しているスウェーデン語の言葉からショップの名前「Konst-IG」(コンスティグ)が付けられた。コンスティグはアートブックショップ。アート、デザイン、写真集、建築、ファションなどクリエイティブ関連に特化した、主にスカンジナビアを中心に世界各国から重要なタイトルを取寄せ販売している。

住所:Åsögatan 124, 11624 Stockholm
営業時間:11:00〜18:30 (土曜17:00まで, 日曜12:00〜16:00)
TEL:+46 (0)8 204 520

Text and photo: Victor Moreno
the most important titles not just from Scandinavia but also international releases.

After few years located in the basement of the same building of The Culture House of the city Kulturhuset. The store recently has moved to the district of “Söder”, home of SoFo, that trendy area where nightlife, fashion and art spots walk hand by hand and everybody just can´t miss it in Stockholm City.

Konst-ig is specialized in books on art, photography, architecture, design, graphic design, fashion and basically any of those publications that a creative mind would like to read for him/herself. A wide variety of specialized Scandinavian book trade and international most important titles.

Here you have a selection of few titles you shouldn´t miss !
“Mortadella” by Christoph Hänsli published by Edition Patrick Frey. Swiss book design at its very best. “The Mug” by Sarah Lucas and Oliver Garbay. Clever design from a quality publisher, Other Criteria. “Nothing to Remember” by Louise Bourgeois. An exquistite limited edition of Steidl. The series “One Picture Book” published by one of Konst-IG’s favorite publishers, Nazraeli Press.

This cozy store is a creative experience itself where people can feel inspired by books, installations, exhibitions, discussions, etc. Starting fall 2009, Konst-ig will be offering an exclusive selection of prints and editions and will also be beginning a collaboration with Aperture, the renowned New York-based photography foundation. From September 2009 Konst-ig go also online, with the opportunity of participate on his blog focused on books on art, photography, graphic design, architecture, etc., all in English.

Address: Åsögatan 124, 11624 Stockholm
Open: 11:00-18:30 (Sat till 17:00, Sun 12:00-16:00)
Tel: +46 (0)8 204 520

Text and photo: Victor Moreno
地址:Åsögatan 124, 11624 Stockholm
时间:11:00-18:30 (星期六17:00至, 星期日12:00-16:00)
电话:+46 (0)8 204 520

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