カタリナ・シェーグレンKatarina Sjögren

© Katarina Sjogren
Katarina Sjögren and partner Jun-Hi run the art gallery Crystal in Stockholm. Formerly a space in the Art District of Stockholm in the streets of Hälsingegatan and Hudiksvallsgatan – where several independent art galleries are locatedカタリナ・シェーグレンとパートナーであるジュン・ヒは、ストックホルムでアートギャラリーであるクリスタルを運営している。以前は、いくつかのアートギャラリーが点在するヘルシンゲ通りとフディスバルス通りというストックホルムのアート地区にスペースを構えていたが、恒久的なギャラリースペースの代わりに、現在はその場限りの期間限定というスタイルで展覧会を開催している。このプロジェクトは2007年にスタートした。
ヘデングレンズという大きな書店にはすべての種類の文学が揃っているし、もし芸術について語り合いたいならクンスト-IG やロネルズも行ってみてください。そこでは講演会をアレンジしてくれます。また、KBに飲みに行くのもいいかもしれません。アーティストが集まる古いバーで、とても素敵な場所です。
TEL:+46 (0)73 723 2258 / +46 (0)70 471 8474
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Junji Uchida located – the format has become in pop up exhibitions in a certain space temporarily, instead of a permanent gallery space. They started this project in 2007.
Why you changed the format from permanent to pop-up gallery?
We wanted to have the possibility to have a space more central in town, so we ended up find pop up locations, which able us to exhibit in and out the city. For instance we are exhibiting in Malmö as well, the south of Sweden. Exhibitions can be between three and or five months.
Do you think this is a new format in Stockholm?
I think it is new for a gallery. I don’t know any other gallery yet working as we do. We do a project a few years ago, which it was a pop–up gallery in Los Angeles. We did that in China District but now all the galleries moved to Culver City.
Tell me a bit about the artist to like to exhibit.
We represent mainly Swedish artists emerging to mid-career; we also have some international artist. It can be photography, sculpture, drawings or video art. Not necessarily has to be solo exhibitions, we have done a few group exhibitions. We also have team up with other galleries for a curated group show. Nevertheless I think it is more interesting to work in our own shows.
How the Art District in Stockholm started in the first place?
In the Art District of Hudiksvallsgatan, the owner of the building, this big industrial building, he wanted to turn it into a gallery area thinking of Chelsea and locations like that. We got a small place close to the district and then we moved into the district. What we felt was people don’t really like to move too much around the city and most of our clients lives around the central area so for us was clear we need to be closer to our clients.
Do you think exist enough opportunities for new artist to show in Stockholm?
We usually find artists from recommendations from the artists we already work with. Our background, we started to work at Tensta Konsthall http://www.tenstakonsthall.se so we knew artist from the beginning and start working from there. However I don’t think in local art world, I think the art is international. We have done a lot of art fairs internationally. To my opinion the art world is not local. So we bring Swedish artist to the world and also show other internationals in Stockholm.
Which art fairs are important for you?
I think the best one is Frieze Art Fair http://friezenewyork.com in New York and also we have done Artissima
Would you be so kind to give us a few tips for our readers, a few art galleries in Stockholm?
I think there are 17 art galleries in the city. Tensta Konsthall is very interesting, which curator Maria Lind is one of the most interesting ones to my opinion, go to Marabouparken in the area of Sundbyberg. But definitely go to Moderna Museet, there is an interesting permanent collection too. I would include also Niklas Belenius he combines younger artists and established artists. It is a small market here so new artists always need to find new places to exhibit as well.
Does exist any collaboration between galleries and art schools?
Not really, I think there is a view on galleries which is commercial in a way, but it is a small city so informally exist connection and relations between the art world and students, I think one of the most interesting art school is Konsthögskolan in Malmö, I think it is an interesting art city equally as Stockholm.
Please tell me a few more tips, places in Stockholm that you like.
A great bookstore called Hedengrens http://www.hedengrens.se they have all kinds of literature there and if we talk about art go to bookstore Konst-ig and also KB, it is the old artist bar, a very nice place.
Tel: +46 (0)73 723 2258 / +46 (0)70 471 8474
Text: Victor Moreno