スウェーデン建築デザインセンターThe Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design

© The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design
The main objective for The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design is to illustrate and offer an active platform for architecture, design and sustainable urban development, as well as to care for, list, scientifically processスウェーデン建築デザインセンターの主要な目的は、建築、デザイン、そして持続可能な近代発展のための活発な交流の場としての機能を果たすとともに、所蔵するコレクションを管理し、カタログを制作、そして新たなコレクションを増やすことである。スウェーデン建築デザインセンターは、初め1962年に国立スウェーデン建築家組合によって独立団体として設立され、1978年に国の管理のもとに置かれた。
The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design (Arkitektur – och designcentrum)
住所:Slupskjulsvägen 7, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm
開館時間: 10:00〜18:00(火曜日20:00まで)
入館料:50 SEK(19歳未満は無料)
Tel: +46 (0)8 587 270 00/02
Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Yuki Mine and enhance, through new acquisitions, the collections entrusted to it. The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design was established as an independent foundation, initiated by the National Association of Swedish Architects in 1962, and was in 1978 reconstituted as a national authority.
The centre is centrally located on Skeppsholmen in an award-winning building by Rafael Moneo constructed in 1998, and shares entrance with Moderna Museet as part of Moneo’s design for the museum complex. The focus on design and sustainable planning were recently emphasized in the extended government directives of 2009. The library and archives are vital parts of the mission to present and access the legacy of Swedish architecture. In addition to its permanent architecture exhibition, the centre initiates and produces exhibitions, as well as maintains an accessible and continuous agenda of guided tours, debates, lectures, information, and a variety of activities on contemporary issues in architecture, design and planning.
The island of Skeppsholmen is located in the center of town, in front of the Old Town and it is a magnificent walk from shopping district around NK wholesales, passing by between the water and Grand Hotel – host of the Nobel Prize. Once you cross the bridge and you are in the island, up the hill you will find the centre, but be aware there are some other museums and attractions around this small island. If it happens that your visiting is not in spring-summer time, it is very easy access. Both bus and boats connect the island with other points in town.
The Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design (Arkitektur – och designcentrum)
Address: Slupskjulsvägen 7, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 (Tuesday till 20:00)
Closed on Monday
Entrance: 50 SEK (for free under the age of 19)
Tel: +46 (0)8 587 270 00/02
Text: Victor Moreno