サパークラブ・シンガポールSupperclub Singapore

Supperclub Singapore © Concrete
もしあなたが普通のレストランを探している、もしくは新しい体験をすることを恐れているなら「サパークラブ」はあなたには合っていないかもしれない。だが、何か新しく、他とは異なったユニークで素晴らしい体験を求めているならIf you are looking for an ordinary restaurant, or if you are afraid of new experiences then Supperclub might not be for you. But if you want something new, something different, something unique, something、サパークラブはまさにあなたにぴったりの場所だ。
Supperclub Singapore
住所:Odeon Towers, 331 North Bridge Road, Singapore 188720
TEL:+65 6334 4080
http://www.supperclub.com that is nothing short of an amazing experience, then Supperclub is absolutely where you want to find yourself!
Supperclub Singapore is a part of a privately held international hospitality and entertainment company headquartered Supperclub in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For sixteen years Supperclub has been the address for creative people from all over the world. They go to Supperclub to eat, to drink, to dance, to see, to share and to experience.
Dining in Supperclub can only be described as a smorgasbord of explosive pleasures that is guaranteed to assault your senses. As you relax on your bed, dinner is served – but not as you know it. There is no menu, so choice is thrown out of the window. Be dazzled by an array of gastronomic masterpieces creatively assembled by the best culinary artists in the region.
Supperclub Singapore
Address: Odeon Towers, 331 North Bridge Road, Singapore 188720
Tel: +65 6334 4080
地址:Odeon Towers, 331 North Bridge Road, Singapore 188720
电话:+65 6334 4080