パティスリー・ジーPatisserie G

© Patisserie G
There is a tranquillity amidst the busy shopfronts at Millenia Walk. Between the changing patterns and colours of merchandise behind the glass windows of the shopping mall, Patisserie G’s stands out with its quietness騒がしいショッピング・アーケード、ミレニア・ウォークの中に静かで落ち着いた場所がある。ショッピングモールのガラス越しに見える色とりどりの商品がきらめく中、ひっそりと店を構えるのが、パティスリー・ジー。余計なディスプレイをなくした店内に、暖かみある木の内装と家具たちが迎えてくれる。無駄をそぎ落としたデザインと最小限の客席は、禅の思想をも思わせる。
Patisserie G
住所:#01-40 Millenia Walk, 9 Raffles Boulevard, Singapore 039596
営業時間:8:00〜21:00(金曜日22:00まで, 日曜日11:00から, 土曜日11:00 – 22:00)
TEL:+65 6338 7578
Text: Fann ZJ. The dessert atelier is the shop front and from afar, the warm inviting timber interior and furniture, devoid of any display perpetuates a sense of zen. The minimal seats help as well.
Presenting French classics in an elegant and modern form, the spirit of Le Cordon Bleu propagates as the whiff of French pastries fill the space. Using French ingredients, French techniques and even French baking tins, savour macrons and specialities such as the triple chocolate dome “G Spot” that will send you to new heights of pleasure.
Bring that happiness to another level with wine, champagne and sake pairings. Patisserie G offers a monthly sake dessert pairing evening which brings new sensations and new meanings to the term sweet delights.
Patisserie G
Address: #01-40 Millenia Walk, 9 Raffles Boulevard, Singapore 039596
Opening Hours: 8:00 – 21:00 (Friday till 22:00, Sunday from 11:00, Saturday 11:00 – 22:00)
Tel: +65 6338 7578
Text: Fann ZJ