

美しくデザインされたレストランとは、満腹になるまで食べる為の場所ではなく、出される美味しい料理を反映する環境であり、それゆえに口の中に広がる味わいを高めてくれるものであるRestaurants that are well designed are not merely places to eat one’s fill, but are environments that mirror the fine cuisine served, thus heightening the sensations enjoyed by the palate。有名なロンドンにあるレストラン、ロイヤル・チャイナのシンガポール店として、ミニストリー・オブ・デザイン(MOD)はそんな環境を造りだした。


Royal China Restaurant
住所:#03-09 Raffles Hotel Arcade, 328 North Bridge Road, Singapore 189673
TEL:+65 6338 3363

Translation: Yuki Mine
. For the Singapore franchise of the famed London-based Royal China restaurant, Ministry of Design has created just such an environment. Situated in the colonial Raffles Hotel, their design calls for two interventions. The first is a choreographed transition between the whitewashed arcade of the historic hotel setting and MOD’s contemporary dining hall within. Inspired by the organic qualities of the graphic wave synonymous with the restaurant’s logo, this transition is both visually and spatially wave-like.

Once inside the main restaurant hall, the second intervention, a dramatic 6m-vaulted ceiling commands a strong visual axis, along which a line of tables are ceremoniously set. Drawing from Chinese Brocade, dining nooks and private dining rooms feature quilted artwork, curtains and wood paneling inspired by the richness of its coloured embroidery.

Blending both traditional and modern aesthetics, MOD has also custom-designed the ‘double happiness’ chair for the restaurant, tailored menus + signage to complement the spatial design as well as collaborated with rising-star fashion designer Nic Wong of Nicholas on the uniform design.

Royal China Restaurant
Address: #03-09 Raffles Hotel Arcade, 328 North Bridge Road, Singapore 189673
Tel: +65 6338 3363

地址:#03-09 Raffles Hotel Arcade, 328 North Bridge Road, Singapore 189673
电话:+65 6338 3363

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