ラ・カンティーヌLa Cantine

© La Cantine
A part of Paris resides in the heart of Singapore’s Central Business District. Tucked away at the corner of the Urban Room of Asia Square Towersシンガポールの中心部にあるビジネス街に存在する小さなパリ。そこはアジア・スクウェア・タワーのアーバンルームと呼ばれるパブリックスペースの一角に潜んでおり、フランス風の紋章が人々の目を引く。もっと近くで見てみると、そのロゴにはガリア(古代ローマ)の象徴である雄鶏が逆さまに描かれている。ここが「ラ・カンティーヌ」だ。ここの料理は見た目に遊び心と奇抜さがあり味も格別。ラ・カンティーヌはミシュランシェフのブルーノ・メナードによりプロデュースされており、急速にビジネスマンに人気の食事処となりつつある。
La Cantine
住所:#01-01, 8 Marina View, Singapore 018960
営業時間:12:00〜14:30 (ランチ), 17:00〜 (アペリチフ), 18:00〜21:30 (ディナー)
TEL:+65 6690 7567
Text: Fann ZJ
Translation: Aya Kitano, an inverted French emblem catches your eye. Look closer and it’s the Gallic Cockerel resting on it’s head. This is La Cantine. Playful and whimsical to the eye and a delight to the palate. Helmed by Michelin Chef Bruno Menard, it is fast becoming the banker’s canteen of choice.
While iconic French emblems are turned on their heads, the warm and inviting interior creates magic as one dines under French architecture suspended in the skies. The magic is extended to the plate as French brassiere fare is unveiled with an unexpected twist. Expect staples to be presented in a different light as La Cantine forges traditional French food with banker chatter. Savour hearty meals within the whimsical restaurant setting or place yourself in the alfresco area where you are cocooned away from the steel and granite in the world of La Cantine.
Looking at the lunch time banter accompanying the set lunches, its no wonder why everyone looks forward to recess these days.
La Cantine
Address: #01-01, 8 Marina View, Singapore 018960
Opening Hours: 12:00–14:30 (Lunch), From 17:00 (Apero), 18:00–21:30 (Dinner)
Closed on Saturday and Sunday
Tel: +65 6690 7567
Text: Fann ZJ