シンガポール美術館 8QSAM 8Q

© Singapore Art Museum
Providing a much-needed avenue for contemporary art exhibitions in Singapore, SAM at 8Q, opened its doors in 2008 with the vision of becoming a space for both present and upcoming artistsシンガポールにおける現代美術の展示に大きく貢献する「8Q」は、現役、新人共にアーティストのための場を提供することを目的に、シンガポール美術館の別館として2008年にオープンした。シンガポール美術館に隣接する8Qは、所在地の通りの名前の頭文字とその番地(No.8 Queen Avenue)から8Qと命名された。
SAM at 8Q
住所:8 Queen Street, Singapore 188535
TEL:+65 6332 3200
Text and photo: Rachel Xu
Translation: Kazuyuki Yoshimura. Located but a mere stone’s throw away from SAM (Singapore Art Museum), the extension’s name was coined and inspired by its address: No. 8 Queen Street.
A 4-storey building with a modest Facade, 8Q was previously school grounds to gregarious young boys from The Catholic High School. A segue of exhibitions since opening day is a testament to the museum’s pledge to become a wellspring of the current generation’s talents. Its six galleries have been home to a slew of video, photography and contemporary installation works as well as performance and sound art.
If you are in the vicinity or in need of some thought provocation, 8Q would be a good bet with its anything but blasé exhibitions.
SAM at 8Q
Address: 8 Queen Street, Singapore 188535
Open: 10:00-19:00 (Friday till 21:00)
Tel: +65 6332 3200
Text and photo: Rachel Xu