
岡本光市Kouichi Okamoto

© Kyoei design

© Kyoei design

ダッチデザインに魅了され、サウンド・プロデューサーから一転プロダクトデザイナーに転向した岡本光市は、静岡を拠点に活躍する共栄デザインのデザイナーだ。Attracted by the Dutch design, Kouichi Okamoto changed his career from a sound designer to a product designer of Kyoei design based in Shizuoka.ハニカムランプやバルーンランプはじめとする数々の照明や日常生活の中にあると楽しくなるプロダクトは、シンプルな作りながらに遊び心たっぷり。アート・インスタレーションのスタイルで作品を発表、海外で好評を得て、逆輸入のようなカタチで日本に送り込まれてきた。そして現在は、静岡から世界に向けて新しいデザインを発信している。






静岡は山梨県と共に富士山の所在地です。冬は雪を被った富士山が至る所から見えます。静岡市内にある「静岡市クリエイター支援センター (CCC)」では興味深い企画展が行われるので、頻繁に通っています。



1997年よりオランダのテクノレーベル「X-Trax」よりbekkou名義で音源「hi light」をリリース。以後オランダやイギリスのレーベルを通じて音楽活動を行う。2004年よりプロダクトデザインの作品を発表。2006年、共栄デザインを設立後、国内外にて展覧会開催やインテリアイベントなどに参加。共栄デザインのプロダクトはドローグアトランタデザインミュージアムロンドンデザインミュージアムcoletteなど、世界30カ国以上のデザインブランド、 ショップ、美術館などで扱われている。

Text: Mariko Takei
The products designed by Okamoto, various lamps including Honeycomb Lamp and Balloon Lamp and products which make your life happy, are very simple and playful. Being presented in an art installation style and gained high reputations overseas, his design was, in a way, re-imported to Japan. And currently he is based in Shizuoka from where he delivers the new design to the world.

Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.

I am Kouichi Okamoto, a designer of “Kyoei design”.
Kyoei design is a design brand established in 2006. Before establishing the brand, I used to work as a sound producer and have released analog pieces from the techno record labels in the Netherlands, X-trax and Re-Run. During my stay for the recording in the Netherlands and other countries in Europe, I had a chance to look closely into the Dutch design and the product design which inspired me to study design and art. Since then, presenting products of Kyoei design as installation works of art, I get motivated to make new works by gaining attention from the art/design related media in the world. Recently I collaborate with companies to provide the design.

Please tell us about your city, and how about living in your city for yourself/activity.

Shizuoka is one hour away from Tokyo by Shinkansen. So convenient place to live, yet, Shizuoka is more laid-back, close to both mountains and beach, warm weather, and very nice environment. Our atelier is surrounded by the tea plantation, so that friends of mine visited from the urban city in the summer were very surprised by cicadas’ big chirp.
Also, there are some major manufacturers that generate various kinds of manufacturers and artisans getting together. So I think Shizuoka is a suitable place to create things. As I look for materials and processors when creating new products, I eventually meet them that are from Shizuoka. I realize that I am in a great context for my creation.

Please tell us a favourite places in the city you live and work in.

Mt. Fuji is located in between Shizuoka and Yamanashi. In winter, you can see snow-covered Mt. Fuji from many places in Shizuoka. I often visit CCC where exhibits interesting shows.

There are various outdoor music events in summer in Asagiri area. It is a special moment to spend times in the vast landscape. In summer when there are outdoor events I become very easy! I especially recommend Heartland Asagiri, which is a camp site where there are kinds of events happeing and you can enjoy whenever you visit. Also, there is an open air bath with a swing, which you can be on the swing in the buff enjoying the vast field of grass that is outspread before you. The owner of the camp site is very nice!

What do you think about the art/design scene in the city?

Even there are not so many shops and exhibitions in Shizuoka, there are actually many creators come from Shizuoka. I believe Shizuoka will become one of the interesting cities as increasing artists, who are planning small yet distinctive events and up-and-coming artisans, who are trying to be handed down the traditional crafts.

Kouichi Okamoto
A designer of Kyoei design.
Born in 1970 in Shizuoka City, Okamoto released a sound source in 1997 from Dutch techno label “X-trax“. In 2004, he introduced the products Color Light and Random, and in 2005 the Balloon Lamp and Honeycomb Lamp. After established Kyouei design in 2006, he held exhibitions and participated in the interior events in Japan and overseas. The Kyoei design products are available at design brands, shops and museums over 30 countries in the world, including Droog, Atlanta Design Museum, London Design Museum, colette, etc.

Text: Mariko Takei

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