

Photo: mina

Photo: mina

“Wasuke” is a branch of the dried fish shop, “Okuwa,” which was established in the first year of the Meiji Period. Like its parent shop, Wasuke also offers all-natural dried fish or himono「和助」は無添加の美味しい干物の製法にこだわり続ける、明治初年創業の干物屋「奥和」のアンテナショップだ。天井が吹き抜けのリビングルームのような空間で、沖縄の真塩を使い備長炭でじっくりと焼き上げたばかりの干物が食べられる。




営業時間:9:00〜18:00 / ランチタイム 11:30〜14:00 / ティータイム 14:00〜17:00

Text and photo: mina
. In Wasuke’s open living room-like space with its high ceiling, diners can relish himono grilled on bincho charcoal and seasoned with mashio salt from Okinawa.

Close to the himono factory is the mouth of Kano River. Due to its proximity to Suruga Bay, salt water begins to rise after digging 30 to 40 meters in this area. Washing off the dark red flesh of seasonal domestic fish with ocean water that wells from underground, helps maintain the fish’s freshness. This process is said to draw out the natural flavors of the fish. The bittern in the Okinawan mashio salt is very mild, and complements the himono as well. The fish meat, which is prone to drying out when washed with fresh water, remains tender and plump when salt water is used. Since wind and direct sunlight in autumn and early spring are ideal conditions for drying out himono, Wasuke ensures that the fish is dried with such cool winds and temperature setting. The fish transforms into very tasty himono in conditions very similar to the desiccation process under direct sunlight.

In 2003, Wasuke began serving its himono with 2 set menus; they offer set meals and onigiri sets. The set meals come with haiga rice (rice retaining its rice germ), 2 side dishes, soup, and oshinko pickles for 700 yen. Diners get to choose a himono, and the price of the chosen fish is added to this basic menu fee. The himono price is added to the onigiri set as well, which comes with 2 haiga rice balls, soup, and oshinko pickles.

Wood is prominent in the interior of the shop. Architect Shuichi Takahashi (Sumai Jyuku) used his design principles for this structure by relying on a traditional method of construction, in which pillars and beams are built together without using any metal. The warmth from the wooden interior radiates from the room, but iron was utilized for the staircase handrails and the lighting, which gives the space a modern vibe. On the left-hand side of the entrance, there is a glass case similar to those in bakeries and sushi restaurants. In this case, seasonal himono and mirinboshi—marinated and sun-dried fish—are available for purchase. Weekends are very busy for Wasuke, so reservations are recommended before heading to the himono shop.

Address: 51-2 Shimokawara, Numazu, Shizuoka
Opening Hours: 11:30-14:00 (Lunch) / 14:00-17:00 (Tea)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: 055-962-0756

Text and photo: mina
Translation: Makiko Arima
开放时间:销售 9:00-18:00 / 午餐 11:30-14:00 / 茶 14:00-17:00


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