
ヴァンジ彫刻庭園美術館Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum

Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum © Clematis no Oka

Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum © Clematis no Oka

ヴァンジ彫刻庭園美術館は、現代イタリアを代表する彫刻家、ジュリアーノ・ヴァンジ(1931ー)に捧げられた世界唯一の個人美術館。2002年4月にオープンしThe Clematis-no-oka is a multi-cultural facility of art and nature that opened in April 2002 with “Flowers, Art Museums, Slow Food” as its theme. Its mission is to preserve and pass on the wonderful art and culture to the next generation. 、1960年代から現在までの彼の作品が展示され、ひとりの彫刻家の歩みを展望できるようになっている。



時間:1月 10:00〜16:30/2・3月 10:00〜17:00/4〜8月 10:00〜18:00
   9・10月 10:00〜17:00/11・12月 10:00〜16:30(入館は30分前まで)
入館料:4月〜10月 大人 1200円/高・大学生 800円
    11月〜3月 大人 1000円/高・大学生 500円
    小・中学生 500円
There are 3 art museums and a literary museum, restaurants and cafe supervised by renowned chefs, museum stores and a nature park scattered over the Clematis-no-oka.

Within the premises are the Bernard Buffet Museum and the Literary Museum for Yasushi Inoue, which opened in 1973, and the Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum, which opened in April 2002. In the Garden Museum, the Clematis White Garden composed mostly of white flowers was created, where a large number and variety of clematis can be admired. In April 2003, the Kimura Keigo Sakura Museum opened to exhibit the works of the Japanese-style painter, Keigo Kimura, who has an atelier on the Clematis-no-oka.

A walk through the beautiful gardens, appreciation of art, fresh air and good slow food” can all be enjoyed here. Please stop by and relax at the restaurants and cafés produced by Hirohisa Koyama, the Japanese cuisine chef, and Yoshimi Hidaka, the famous Italian cuisine chef.

Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum
Address: 347-1 Clematis-no-oka, Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka
Open: January 10:00-16:30 / February&March 10:00-17:00
   April-August 10:00-18:00 / September&October 10:00-17:00
   November&December 10:00-16:30 (Closed on Wednesday)
Entrance Fee: April-October: Adult 1200Yen / Student 800Yen
      November-March: Adult 1000Yen / Student 500Yen
      Elementary and junior high school students 500Yen
Tel: 055-989-8787
时间:1月 10:00-16:30/2・3月 10:00-17:00/4至8月 10:00-18:00
   9・10月 10:00-17:00/11・12月 10:00-16:30
承认:4月至10月 大人 1200円/高・大学生 800円
    11月至3月 大人 1000円/高・大学生 500円
    学童 500円

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