

Photo: Wee Ling Soh

Photo: Wee Ling Soh

産業ビル密集地帯にひっそりと居を構える「スピン」。外観は、正面から見ればすぐに分かるわけではなく、誰もが右往左往して、ようやく出くわすような佇まいである。スピンのプライドとも言える基本に忠実なデザインは、純粋なフォーム、巧妙な色使いSpin Shanghai is the kind of store a customer has to especially make a trip to. Hidden in the compound of nondescript industrial buildings, one has to walk past factory gates and know exactly which building to head to、明確な意思に重点を置いている。そんな3拍子揃った中国のセラミック製食器は、ギャラリーに展示されていてもおかしくないほど。
スピンの陶器はクリーンで永続的なデザインであることに加えて、 2004年の販売以来、世界中のガイドブック、新聞などで、称賛され続けている。来客の大部分は、西洋からの旅行者や中国に住む海外からの移住者達である。


TEL:+86 21 6279 2545

Text: Wee Ling Soh
Translation: Kazunari Hongo
. Spin prides itself on back-to-basics design that focuses on pure forms, subtle colours and clear purposes. Says Art Director Gary Wang, “It is really heart-warming knowing that people are buying our products out of their passion for good design, rather than the brand name or price tags.”

A team of 11 designers and craftsmen is responsible for developing new collections, after which molds would be sent to partnering workshops in Jingdezhen for actual production. New designs are introduced every three months and on average it may take half to one year for a design to materialize from paper to final product ready to be sold in the store.

Spin is adamant to avoid being tagged as “fashionable” or “trendy”. What it aims to accomplish is to design ceramics which are “simple, elegant, organic and fluent” enough to stand through the test of time. For those of us in Shanghai who know the value of well-designed tableware with a Chinese touch, this is one store that ranks quite high on our list. In fact, Spin does not even have a website so the only way to find out more is to head down to the store and see for yourself.

Address: No.360 Kangding Road, Jingan District, Shanghai
Opening Hours: 11:00-21:30
Tel: +86 21 6279 2545

Text: Wee Ling Soh

电话:+86 21 6279 2545


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