
レッドタウン・サロンRedtown Salon

© Shanghai Redtown Culture Development Co.Ltd.

© Shanghai Redtown Culture Development Co.Ltd.

Redtown Salon is an art design store in the area known as redtown. It is a place where you can find many exciting things. It opened in May 2011. And the store is located in the corner of an exhibition space レッドタウン内にあるアートデザインショップの「レッドタウン・サロン」。心のわくわくするものを見つけられる場所だ。古い工場の建物を利用した展示スペースの端につくられた店舗は、2011年5月にオープンした。柱や煉瓦の壁など工場時代の面影をところどころに残している。ディスプレイされたカラフルでアイディアの詰まったグッズは、人を楽しい気分にさせ思考を刺激する。アッと驚くものもあれば、じっくりと鑑賞したいものもある。

ここには、中国を代表するアーティストたちのグッズが豊富に集められている。パン・ウェイのペインティングをプリントしたソファー、スイ・ジエングオの代表作「恐竜」の色とりどりのスカルプチャー、パフォーマンスアーティストのハー・ユンチャンの「follow me」のアートポスター、シャン・ジンの少女のスカルプチャー「幸せを見つけた」、チュー・グワンツの「天使」。その他に草間弥生のドットのキーホルダーやマグカップなどのグッズもある。



TEL:+86 21 6280 7304

Text: Hiromi Nomoto
in the old factory building. The building still has some pieces that keep the factory feel, such as columns and brick walls.

The products in the store are enjoyable, inspirational and filled with many ideas. Those products makes you surprised and also make you want to stare at them for a while. There are mostly Chinese artists’ products in the salon.

There is a sofa which was painted by Chinese artist Pan Wei, a dinosaur sculpture by Sui Jiango, an art poster entitled “follow me” by He Yunchang, who is a performance artist, a sculpture of a girl entitled “(我看到了幸福)I found a happiness ” by Xiang Jing, and “ an angel” by Chu Guangci.

Other than that, the salon has some items by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama such as poker dot key chains and mug cups. It seems like the designers creates artworks that are really practical. Each product has beautiful form, quality, and concept, and this store has products that make you feel that way.

There are a vivid range of color mattress and book covers which have magic tape on the surface by design studio T-town, products by Donkey products from Germany, and a watch by Issei Miyake. Those products at this store have a lot of creative and unique messages from designers and artists.

Redtown Salon
Address: #101 Building A, No.570 Huaian Road, Changning District, Shanghai
Opening Hours: 10:00-20:00
Tel: +86 21 6280 7304

Text: Hiromi Nomoto
Translation: Yukino Kotake

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