
ドゥーコウ書店Dukou Book Store

On Julu Lu Road, you can see a lot of French architecture built during their settlement of the area in Shanghai. Brightened up with new fancy shops, the street still retains a quiet character. There, you can find a quaint little bookstore named Dukouジュールールー通りはフランス租界時代の建物が多く見られる。おしゃれな店が建ち並ぶようになってはきたが、通りの雰囲気は変わらず静かである。そこにドゥーコウ書店(渡口書店)という小さな本屋がある。3階建ての上海特有の老房子の一階部分、小さな庭があり、木のテーブルと椅子が置かれている。





上海には大型書店やアート書籍を集めた書店、おしゃれな洋書専門店などもある。その中でもドゥーコウ書店には多くのファンがいる。 「ドゥーコウ(渡口)」とは、渡し場という意味。書店のスタッフやここを訪れる人々が互いに、本と人の関係から人と人の関係をつくり出しているところにあるのだろう。

TEL:+86 21 6249 6339

Text: Hiromi Nomoto
on the first floor of a three-storied French residence complete with a small garden, a wooden table and chairs.  

Offering books, magazines and catalogues of design, art and literature the store also covers a wide range of topics from poetry, all the social sciences to medical and cooking books. There is a selection of antique books about the everyday life and traditional crafts of old. From just-published books to the old books, everything is highly selected by the staff willing to recommend a good publisher. As well as books, they offer Dukou originally designed notebooks, some foreign goods and CDs.  

The shop serves coffee and tea, and is popular with people looking to find somewhere cozy and quiet to have a drink, while browsing through a highly selected collection of books and magazines.  Even though most books and magazines in the shop are written in Chinese, it attracts foreigners, many of whom probably can’t read Mandarin. However, due to Dukous’s inviting atmosphere and design it reminds us there’s always something interesting in a book.

The shop has been holding reading events since it opened, every Tuesday night there is a debate session – according to the owner, Gao Lu, it’s not a debate but a chat. “Somebody raises the question, someone else criticizes or agrees with it, then a new theme will come out, and the chat goes on. 

There are many big bookstores in Shanghai, stocked with a lot of art books, but among them Dukou Bookstore has many fans. “Dukou” means ferry in Mandarin. The staff and the people coming to the shop are creating a mutual connection, through the books they are ferrying their thoughts and ideas. 

Dukou Book Store
Opening Hours: 12:00-22:00
Address: No.828 Julu Road, Jingan District, Shanghai
Tel: +86 21 6249 6339

Text: Hiromi Nomoto
Translation: Eri Tsuji


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