
オサン・クォンOsang Gwon

© Osang Gwon

© Osang Gwon

A Seoul-based Korean artist, Osang Gwon. With taking detailed pictures of a person and gluing a great number of photos together to make a life size sculpture as 3D, he challenges to deconstruct the traditional notion of sculptures. We talked to him about his previous series and latest, and recommends in Seoul, an international artist who has exhibited solo shows all over the world.ソウルを拠点とする韓国人アーティスト、オサン・クォン。人物のディテールを撮影して原寸大の写真を貼り合わせた3D作品などで、彫刻における伝統的な概念の解体に挑戦している。世界各地で個展を開催して注目を集めている彼に、これまでの作品や、ソウルでお気に入りの場所について伺った。













Text: Ayumi Yakura
Translation: Satsuki Miyanishi

Firstly, could you please introduce yourself?

I live in Seoul and mostly fabricate sculptures.

About your a life size sculpture with glued pictures, when did you think up the special idea?

I first started to make a “Deodorant Type” (Photo-sculpture) in 1998 while I was in a collage. I would like to deconstruct the traditional notion of sculptures. I rather fabricate an easy sculpture that I can start right a way. I thought of a photographic paper as a medium.

Does it deodorant something as the name or work; “Deodorant Type”?

Deodorant slightly changes the smell of sweat or body odor. The medium of my works are originally photographs but it becomes a three dimensional sculptures. It is also a title of my first solo exhibition. I entitled it as a technology in the photography like Daguerreotype or Ambrotype.

What did you express through the series of “The Flat”?

I cut out the images from a magazine and make it stand using a thin wire, and then I retake a photograph it. I thought even a paper is a simple sculpture if it can stand.  I present the photography of scattered simple sculptures. It is a series of a flat sculpture.

Anyway, I’m interested in the other viewers’ impression. Please let me know your best impressive comment that you received.

I was told from many audiences who experience the basement where New Structure series are displayed that they feel that they are in the universe. I know what they think, but cannot know exactly because I haven’t been there.

Could you please recommend your favorite places in Seoul?
Arario Museum, the building itself is a modern architect properties and it is full of beautiful contemporary arts. Secret Garden in Changdeokgug Palce, it is a secret garden in Joseon Dynasty. It is fantastic. Myeongdong Kyoja, it is hard to not visit whenever I go to Myeongdong.

Text: Ayumi Yakura

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