ギャラリー・サイモンGallery Simon

© Gallery Simon
Founded in 1994, Gallery Simon is one of Seoul’s most established locations showcasing Korean contemporary art. Its multi-story space is typically devoted to the works of a single artist. On a recent visitギャラリー・サイモンはソウルにある現代美術ギャラリーの賑わう場所の一角に1994年にオープン。この多層的な建物は基本的に一人のアーティストの個展に使われる。最近私が訪れた時は、第48回ヴェニスビエンナーレに出店するなど韓国を代表するアーティスト、ノー・サン・クーンのきらびやかなスパンコールの作品によって満たされていた。
Gallery Simon
住所:35-9 Tongui-Dong, Jongno-Gu, Seoul, Korea
営業時間:10:00〜18:30 (Gallery), 10:00〜22:00 (Café)
TEL:82 2 549 3031 (Gallery), 82 2 720 3032 (Café)
Text: Kelly Britton
Translation: Memi Mizukami, the rooms were filled with glittering, sequined panels and sculptures by Noh Sang-kyoon, Korea’s representative at the 48th Venice Biennale.
The gallery is also home to Café Bin, whose stylish space on the 4th floor merits a visit on its own. With its minimalist, modern aesthetic and several of Sang-kyoon’s works hung behind the pristine concrete bar, the café blends seamlessly with the galleries below. Large picture windows frame panoramic views of Seoul – to the north, the tiled rooftops of historic Hanok homes, to the south, the modern skyline of one of the world’s most densely populated cities. Yet none of the chaos of the city permeates the rarified tranquility of Café Bin. Even the hum of the espresso machine is hushed.
The café offers gourmet cakes and a changing daily menu as well as wine, sparkling sodas and excellent coffee. Whether relaxing in a vintage armchair or perusing the gallery below, here you can experience the paradox of high-society and historic culture that is the changing face of Seoul.
Gallery Simon
Address: 35-9 Tongui-Dong, Jongno-Gu, Seoul, Korea
Open: 10:00 – 18:30 (Gallery), 10:00 – 22:00 (Café)
Closed on Monday
Tel: 82 2 549 3031 (Gallery), 82 2 720 3032 (Café)
Text: Kelly Britton