小川直人Naoto Ogawa

Photo: Toru Ito
せんだいメディアテークで学芸員として映像文化に関る企画を担当する傍ら、国際映画祭の審査員や本の企画などの活動なども勢力的に行っている小川直人。As a curator at Sendai Mediatheque for planning relevant to the video and film culture, Naoto Ogawa is actively woking as a jury of the international film festival and as a planning member for producing books.彼は、仙台という生まれ育った場所を舞台に、映像を中心とする創造的活動と人々の関わりを文化的、教育的視点で見つめている、仙台のキーパーソンの一人だ。
Text: Mariko Takei As one of key figure in the Sendai’s creative scene, he revealed his approach to commit the creative activity with people in a cultural and educational view point based in the city Sendai where he was born and raised.
Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.
I make plans for movies and music, make books and websites, and listen to people and speak to people. I’m a curator at Sendai Mediatheque which is a public cultural facility. Even working mainly for the planning relevant to the film culture like movie screenings and workshops, I haven’t studied the film nor haven’t been into it so much. I originally studied the cultural policy and art management so that where I am now is a sort of a chance or fate. I do a variety of activities of not only films but also implementation as regards to how people and activities are supposed to be in an open space.
Other than those, I formed a project in Sendai called “-logue” in which to consider what creative works are, and also participated in an international film festival as a jury member, made books and movies. Anyway, I have been getting involved in interesting projects with interesting people up to now.
Please tell us about Sendai and how about living in the city for yourself/activity.
I think Sendai is a “simple city”. I’m not sure if I can look at the city in a objective manner, but I feel Sendai is more comfortable city to live, comparing to the other cities where I spent my time for a short time. The town is clean and pretty much close to both nature and the urban culture, and accessible to other cities. The neatness might be a problem though.
I have lived in Sendai since I was born. Sometimes people ask me “Why are you based in Sendai?”, then I answer “Because it’s not hot here in summer.” Likewise, people ask me “Why don’t you move to Tokyo?”, then I answer “Because it’s hot in Tokyo in summer.” But I’m not so obsessed to live and work in Sendai that much. I think, however, it is important if the town you spend on a daily basis is interesting place or not, and if you can make it interesting place.
Please tell us favourite places in Sendai.
In the point tourists rarely visit, I recommend “Forsta“, an apparel shop with cafe. There are displayed quite unique clothes which I usually don’t ware, so I like to visit. As the staffs in the shop used to do a furniture store before, the shelves used for the display are purchasable.
Another store is a CD/record shop “STORE15NOV” the music lineups are very unique. I like to enjoy buying records for their jackets designs which I sometimes get disappointed with the music.
What do you think about the art/design scene in the city?
I think it’s getting very interesting. There are creative people based in Sendai and works around the world. It’s interesting to see people making not only to show their own works but also to create common work places and to attempt to set up things in the city.
Including design and fashion, I think it’s getting more interesting if educational and research organization like art university would get involved in something innovative or something silly. Art might be a very independent, but the talent is said to be grew in clusters.
Naoto Ogawa
Born in 1975. In 2000 he started working at Sendai Mediatheque, and currently approaching to do all sorts of planning relevant to the video and film culture including special feature screenings, film festivals workshops and academic educational plans, as well as supporting cultural activities and implementation of how people should communicate with performances and exhibitions in an open space. In addition to works at Sendai Mediatheque, he is involved in managing “logue” – a website which introduces interviews on the creative works- and another website “www.mube.jp” (Don’t Tell Me You Love Movies), which is lead by a film critic, Shigehiko Hasumi.
Text: Mariko Takei