

© antennasia

© antennasia

Antennasia is a Sendai-based electronica unit creating their own unique sound mixed with various elements of electronica, bristol sound, dub, and jazz. Since their start in 1999エレクトロニカ、ブリストル・サウンド、ダブ、ジャズなど様々な要素で独自のサウンドをつくりだす仙台在住のエレクトロニカユニット「アンテネイジア」。1999年に結成、2002年に自主レーベルからファーストアルバムを発表して以来、日本をはじめ、ベルギー、オランダ、ドイツ、イギリス、など世界各地でライブやイベント参加など幅広い音楽活動を展開している。異国な雰囲気が漂うサウンドを紡ぎだす二人組は、仙台をベースにどんな活動をおこなっているのだろう。




Nerve:1999年に結成して、これまでに、アルバムを4枚、リミックス・アルバムを1枚リリースしています。音楽スタイルは、少しずつ変化しており、それぞれのアルバムに、違う雰囲気があると思います。リミックス・アルバムには、DJ3000(USA)、Rob Smith(UK)、Embee(スウェーデン)、Ruibyat(日本)などのアーティストが参加してくれて、いろいろなスタイルの作品が収録された、充実した内容になりました。










Text: Mariko Takei
and the first album release from their own independent label in 2002, antennasia has been performing various music activities for lives and events worldwide in Japan and overseas such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and UK. How does this duo creates their own sound with an exotic atmosphere living and working in their base city Sendai, Japan?

Please introduce yourself.

We are antennasia, consisting of 2 members, san (vocal) and Nerve (track maker). We create music with a variety of elements such as electronic, dub and pop. San’s distinctive vocal style is one of the most characteristics of anntenasia’s music/sound.

Can you tell us your music activities in the past?

Nerve: Formed antennasia in 1999, we released 4 albums and 1 remix album for now. Our music style has been changed little by little, so each album has a different feel from others. As some artists like DJ3000 (USA), Rob Smith(UK), Embee (Sweden), Ruibyat (Japan) participated in the remix album, you can enjoy listening many styles of music.
We also collaborate with musicians in Japan and overseas. For lives, we are quite active performing. We had a short tour in Europe in 2003 and 2004. In 2009, we performed a live showcasing an interactive collaboration with the design unit called wowlab in The Miyagi Museum of Art. In September 2010, we just released a latest album “Qus-cus“.

Why did you start your music activity based in Sendai?

Nerve: Sendai is my hometown, but rather I spontaneously gained opportunities to work here after our fist live in Sendai.

san: Sendai is a “place to be” rather than a “base”. I’m not aware of where we are based so much. I would like to make contacts with others from other countries with music. I have been recently collaborating with foreign artists whom I have not met before, and it’s inspiring me very much.

How do you feel living and working on music in Sendai? Please tell us about your life and activity in the city.

Nerve: There are a number of opportunities and places to showcase not only music but also any kind of works and performances. As we visit clubs and galleries, we always see people we know there. Maybe that’s why we can work and live here feeling more peace.

What do you think about the music scene in Sendai?

Nerve: Including people around me, there are musicians and creators who like various kinds of music such as IDM, hip hop, electronica, techno, improvisation, jazz, soul, reggae, and ethnic music. There may not be so many number of people who are involved in each genre, but each scene is quiet vibrant and there you can find many who make music with high quality. Sendai might be a place where there are those small groups. It also seems people here are simply enjoying music without becoming too greedy. I believe there is an opportunity for creating a new scene by crossing over not only music but also many kinds of fields such as film, photography, and art.

Please tell us your favorite places in Sendai.

san: Yagiyama Zoo (I just like zoo.)
Jozenji Dori (It is a road with a lot of green. In winter Keyaki trees are illuminated with lights.)
Hirose River (In summer, people gather here for fireworks. I like this river which shows a totally different look by areas.)

Text: Mariko Takei

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