宮城県美術館The Miyagi Museum of Art

Photo: Scarletgreen / CC BY 2.0
宮城県美術館は1981年11月に開館。作品の収集は宮城県および東北地方にゆかりのあるものを中心に幅広くすすめられ、明治時代以降現代までの日本画、洋画、版画、彫刻、工芸などのほか、カンディンスキー、クレーなどの外国作品も収蔵されているThe Miyagi Museum of Art, opened in November 1981, collects mainly works related to Miyagi and the Tohoku area including Japanese paintings, oil paintings, prints, sculputures and artistic handcrafts from the Meiji Period(1868−1912)to the present。1990年6月には、本館西隣に佐藤忠良記念館がオープンした。
, some of which have a connection with Miyagi Prefecture and the Tohoku region of Japan. The collection also includes the Western art including works by Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee. In June 1990, the Churyo Sato Gallery was opened to the next of the west side of main building.
The museum was designed by Kunio Maekawa (1905-1986) who has studied with Le Corbusier and lead the Japanese modernism after the world war II. Based on the idea of columns for buildings, the white 8-piece work Ma’ayan (1995) was built at the front of the main building, which were made by Dani Karavan. There displays Henri Moore’s Large Spindle Piece (1963-74) at the front garden.
The Museum strives to be an “open museum”, not only for admiring art, but also to learn art through various interactive activities. To achieve this goal, the Museum holds workshops which are open to anyone who wants to draw, print, do pottery, sculpt and so on. There are machines and equipment for working with wood, metal and clay. Staff members of the museum are available to provide assistance.
The Miyagi Museum of Art
Address: 34-1 Kawauchi-Motohasekura, Aoba-ku, Sendai
Open: 9:30-17:30 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: 022-221-2111