佐藤忠良記念館Churyo Sato Gallery

© Miyagi Museum of Art
Churyo Sato Gallery is a public sculpture museum that collects works of Miyagi-born sculptor Churyo Sato who is known as one of the most famous Japanese sculptor日本を代表する彫刻家のひとり、宮城県出身の佐藤忠良(さとう・ちゅうりょう)氏の作品を集めた公共の彫刻美術館。広瀬川を臨み、杜の都のイメージ通りの環境に建つ、宮城県美術館の別館という形で1990年に開館した。
Text: Naoki Koide. It was opened in 1990 as an annex to Miyagi Museum of Art where is located by Hirose River.
Churyo Sato made various bronze sculptures that depicted dynamism, possiblity, and isolation, having themes of women, children and workers as subject matters. Besides sculptural pieces, he is well known for illustrations for a best seller picture book “The Giant Turnip” published by Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers.
The building for Churyo Sato Gallery was designed by Oune Architects & Associates, and the main building of the museum was designed by Mayekawa Associates, Architects & Engineers, which was designated as one of the hundred public architecture selected by former Ministry of Construction. There is a coffee shop ZELKOVA where you can have a break for a moment. You can also enjoy walking around the garden called Alice’s Garden and viewing artworks at Miyagi Museum of Art.
The gallery is accessible using public transportation from JR Sendai Station via Senday City Bus (no 16) and Loople Sendai.
Churyo Sato Gallery
Address: 34-1 Kawauchi-Motohasekura, Aoba-ku, Sendai
Opening Hours: 9:30-17:00 (admission until 16:30)
Closed on Monday (if Monday is a holiday, then next weekday), year-end-year-beginning period
Admission Fees: General 300 yen, Student 150 yen
Tel: 022-221-2211
Text: Naoki Koide
Translation: Mariko Takei