
パンチギャラリーPUNCH Gallery

シアトルでは、アーティスト自身が経営するギャラリーが増え始めている。そんなギャラリーの出現によって生まれるダイナミックな文化交流に参加したいと考えたアーティストたちによって2006年にPUNCH was founded in March 2006 by a group of artists eager to participate in the dynamic cultural exchange resulting from the emergence of other artist-run galleries in Seattle.設立されたのが、「パンチ」である、「パンチ」では、素直で、

PUNCH Gallery
住所:119 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104
TEL:+1 206 621 1945
PUNCH seeks to exhibit work that is honest, thoughtful, vocal, fearless, and fresh. Applauding individual expression, the gallery’s primary mission is to provide support and encouragement for artists to create and exhibit their work in an atmosphere free from the constraints of commercialism. Committed to excellence on every level, PUNCH promotes the visual arts as a necessary, valid, and worthwhile contribution to Seattle’s cultural growth.

PUNCH maintains excitement in its exhibition schedule with a revolving roster of contributing member artists, guest artists, and curated group shows. Working in diverse mediums, founding members Renee Adams (sculpture), Howard Barlow (sculpture and mixed-media), Justin Beckman (photo-based media and film/video), Justin Gibbens (drawing and sculpture), and Joanna Thomas (collage) are dedicated to presenting works of innovative vitality, provocative edge, and potent content. Additional member artists currently include Jen Erickson (painting and drawing), Lucas Martin (photography and painting), and Michael Sherwin (photography and video).

PUNCH Gallery is a limited liability company operating under the guidance of a five-member board of directors.

PUNCH Gallery
Address: 119 Prefontaine Place South, Seattle, WA 98104
Open: 12:00-17:00 (Closed on Sunday-Wednesday) or by appointment.
Tel: +1 206 621 1945

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