
ラ・ファミリア・ギャラリーLa Familia Gallery

Art is powerful. I will not venture to reason why, it simply is. Each of us views it differently and each of us finds a different truth.「ラ・ファミリア・ギャラリー」のアーティストは、仕事、友達、家族など、皆全て何かしらの形で繋がっている。彼らは、自身が真理だと思っていることに対しての違う表現方法に出会い、それについて話をして、新たな発見をする。このような相互作用が”関係”を作り出し、その関係が新しい”アイデア”を生む。人間は、1人では生きられない。しかし、それぞれは独自の人生経験を持った個人として存在する。「ラ・ファミリア・ギャラリー」では、そのようなコミュニティ内における個人の機能に注目、展示し、そして作用する。

La Familia Gallery
住所:117 Prefontaine Place South Seattle, WA 98104
TEL:+1 206 291 4608
It is not important that you love every piece of art created, or remember the name of every major artist. Loving art isn’t about pretense or status, it’s about a moment when you look in front of you and see truth: clearly, distinctly, and completely. To appreciate art is to appreciate the human experience and to know that you are part of something bigger then yourself. For a moment you ponder times that have changed you and catch a glimpse into the moments that have changed others.

La Familia Gallery celebrates the ways in which we, as people, influence each other with our ideas and creative endeavors. We seek to explore realms of influence over time, across countries, and within communities. To show, over time, how ideas influence each other and build upon one another. Our artists are all connected in some way: through work, through friends, through family. We have all met and talked and found different ways to express things that we hold true. These influences build relationships and these relationships build new ideas. In life no one stands alone, but each stands as an individual with unique life experiences. At La Familia Gallery we showcase and celebrate the function of the individual within community and influence.

Art is a process of discovery and as a viewer and lover of art we want you to search for yourself within the work at La Familia. Certainly, we as artists have certain ideas about what our work means, but art should expand past us and into you. Become something greater then the sum of its parts or the adjectives of its artist statement. If you can look at a piece of art and see a dream that is complete, and not just papers and inks, then that is a piece for you and it has grown beyond us. For art that an artist has completed can only grow when it is passed onto others with new dreams and new ideas. Thank you for taking the time to visit La Familia Gallery and we hope you find your truth within our walls.

La Familia Gallery
Address: 117 Prefontaine Place South Seattle, WA 98104
Tel: +1 206 291 4608
La Familia画廊
地址:117 Prefontaine Place South Seattle, WA 98104
电话:+1 206 291 4608

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