
北海道立近代美術館Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art

札幌市の中心部に位置し、そのアクセスの良さとバラエティに富んだ展覧会で、1977年7月のオープン以来、多くの道民に親しまれている「北海道立近代美術館」。国内外の優れた作品を展示する特別展とOpened in the center of Sapporo in July 1977, Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art has been familiar to people in Hokkaido with their accessibility and variety of genres of exhibitions、収蔵作品を中心に、さまざまな角度からテーマを設けて展示する「これくしょんぎゃらりい」(常設展)を開催している。





住所: 札幌市中央区北1条西17丁目

Text: Yui Shimomura
. Since then, the museum has provided special exhibitions of highly esteemed works from the world, and the Collection Gallery showcased from their collections.

The museum preserve, display and research the artwork of collections including works of the local artist in Hokkaido, national and international glass crafts from Art Nouveau to the modern period and other wide variety of collections, in addition to explore a variety of educational and communicational services aiming to nurture local artistic platform.

In the green filled site, the museum is designed wtih the high-pitched roof and white walls. As you go inside, you can see Antoine Bourdelle’s artwork displayed in the lobby and Kan Yasuda and Sakae Terada’s works in the entrance and the hallway on the 2nd floor.

There showcases sculptural works displayed in the front garden of the museum, including works of Hokkaido-born suculptor Shin Hongo and Takeo Yamanouchi as well as kinetic sculptural works by Susumu Shingu and Sapporo-born Takamichi Ito.

You have a free access to see the ourdoor sculputure during the opening hours. There are more outdoor pieces open to the public in the site of Office for the Governor of Hokkaido, next to the museum.

Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art
Address: North 1 West 17, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Open: 9:30-17:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: 011-644-6881

Text: Yui Shimomura
Translation: Mariko Takei
地址: 札幌市中央区北1条西17丁目

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