© Zawazawa Village on Spoon Valley
Zawazawa Village at Spoon Valley is located in the midst of a famous Patchwork Field, which is one of the landmark of the hill town Biei. It is a villa style lodging, consists of 5 cozy cottages丘のまち・美瑛を象徴する風景「パッチワークの丘」の畑の中に位置する「スプウン谷のザワザワ村」。ヨーロッパのどこか小さな村を訪れたのかと見間違うような、可愛らしい5棟のコテージと母屋
© Takushinkan
Biei became famous that started with one picture. Taken by Shinzo Maeda (1922-1998), the landscape photograph entitled “Bakushu Senretsu” got the hill town Biei known nationwide for its grand beauty美瑛町を有名にしたのは一枚の写真からであった。「麦秋鮮烈」と題した前田真三氏(1922〜1998)の風景写真は、まるで印象派絵画のような圧倒的な美しさによって、丘のまち・美瑛を一躍世に知らしめる
© Hokkaido Tourism Association
Lake Shikaribetsu is a natural lake located in Daisetsuzan National Park, at the 810m elevation which is the highest location in Hokkaido. Surrounded by wildwood, the lake and its surrounding area is inhabitation標高810mと北海道では最も高い場所にある大雪山国立公園唯一の自然湖「然別湖」。湖の周囲は原生林が取り囲み、ナキウサギや、ミサゴ、オジロワシ、クマゲラ、アオサギ等の貴重な野生動物たちが生息
© Le-Nord Inc.
Furano Delice is a confectionery company which focuses on using fresh foods produced in Furano since its open. Their long seller products such as Furano Milk Pudding and cheese cake Double Fromage開店当初から富良野の新鮮な食材にこだわりお菓子づくりを行っているフラノデリス。ロングセラーの「ふらの牛乳プリン」や「ドゥーブルフロマージュ」は、お取り寄せスィーツの定番としても人気が高い
© Sanbu Farm
Located in Shikaoi-cho in Tokachi, Sanbu Farm offers various menus to experience a tree house stay, farm inn, outdoor cooking, and nature tour, where you can fully enjoy holidays in a farm十勝・鹿追町の「三部牧場」では、ツリーハウスでの宿泊やファームイン(農家宿泊)での体験牧場、アウトドア料理、ネイチャーツアーなど、様々な体験メニューを提供、農村で過ごす休日の楽しさを満喫できる
Maly Bowl Hokkaido by Peter Maly © Interior NASU Inc.
Asahikawa Furniture has grown with its wood working technique over half a century. It has nationally been known for its use of high quality materials and advanced techniques半世紀に渡って木工の技術を培ってきた旭川家具。旭川家具は、良質な素材と高度な技術に、美しいデザインと優れた機能を兼ね備えることで、全国的にもその名を知られるようになって久しい
© Moliere Co, Ltd.
Biei is a town known for its views of hills and field. Located in the town, Asperges is a restaurant where serves seasonal cuisine cooked with fresh vegetables and food produced in the town of Biei田畑がおりなすパッチワークの風景で知られる丘の町・美瑛。美瑛の丘で育った新鮮な食材で、旬の美味しさを味わえるのが、レストラン・アスペルジュだ。北海道を代表するフレンチシェフ・中道博氏がプロデュース
© Kitanosumai Sekkeisha Co,.Ltd.
The Asahikawa area in Hokkaido is known as a city of furniture. Kitanosumai Sekkeisha is a furniture manufacturer located in the woods in Higashikawa-cho near the Asahikawa area家具の町として知られる北海道・旭川地区。旭川近郊の東川町の森の中にある家具メーカー「北の住まい設計社」では、無垢材をはじめ天然素材にこだわり、永く使用でき、使用し続けるほど味わいの出る家具