
樽前ガローTarumae Garo

Located in Tarumae, Tomakomai City, Tarumae Garo is a ravine made of lava from the eruption of Mt. Tarumae, which has eroded by mountain runoff over long time苫小牧市樽前にある樽前ガローは、樽前山が噴火したときに流れ出た溶岩が沢水等により長い年月をかけて浸食されてできた回廊状の渓谷地帯。岩肌に密生した苔が日が差し込むとビロードのように美しく光り神秘的な風景をつくりだしている。



. The dense moss grown on the rock face creates an imaginary landscape with its beautiful velvety look when it gets sunshine.

Same as Koke no Domon, which located on the opposite side across Mt. Tarumae, it is currently prohibited to enter the property as some part of the rock slid. But you can experience the beautiful nature by viewing Tarumae Garo closely.

A word Tarumae is originated in the Ainu word ‘taor-oma-i, which means a high place of a riverbank. Near the ravine, there is an Ainu museum called Poroto Kotan where recreates Ainu village that includes the biggest Ainu museum in Japan. This area will offer you an opportunity to learn nature and history of Hokkaido.

Tarumae Garo
Address: Tarumae, Tomakomai, Hokkaido
Tel: 0144-34-2000 (Tomakomai Tourist Information)

Translation: Mariko Takei

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